My first word

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Narcissa smiled at the idyllic sight of her husband playing with their eleven-month-old son. It was a quiet Sunday afternoon, and Lucius had decided the moment was right for some quality time with little Draco (who, coincidentally, happened to be uncharacteristically cheerful just then.) Lucius had the baby seated on his lap, facing him, and was attempting to teach him words.

"Say, 'Mum'," he instructed the little boy.

"Oh!" said Draco, wide-eyed.

Lucius smiled fondly. "No, that's not quite it. Try again. 'Mum'."

Draco looked away and didn't say anything at all.

"No, no, no. Over here. Look at Dad. Come on," coaxed Lucius.

The baby looked up at him and giggled.

"Say, 'Mum'," Lucius instructed again.

"Ep," said Draco, looking decidedly disinterested.

"All right, we'll try something else. How about 'Dad'? Can you say 'Dad'?"

Draco blew a raspberry at his father. Narcissa, watching from the doorway to the sitting room, stifled laughter, and Lucius looked disconcerted. "That's not nice," he told the child on his lap chidingly. "Say 'Dad'."

"Bah!" exclaimed the little boy scornfully, then let out another gleeful chortle.

Lucius frowned, but his eyes were laughing. "That's a fine way to treat your father, Draco! Come now, say it. Say 'Dad'."

The baby lunged and tried to crawl off his father's lap onto the sofa.

"And just where do you think you're going, little one?" inquired Lucius with mock haughtiness, fetching him back and settling him again.

The little boy laughed and grabbed at Lucius' voluminous sleeve.

"What are you doing?" asked Lucius.

Draco reached again, and this time his little fist reappeared wrapped around his father's wand. "Ah!" he announced proudly, holding it up and waving it in Lucius' face.

Lucius smiled indulgently and pushed it away, then gently pried it out of his son's grip . "Yes, that's my wand. It's very important. We use wands to do magic."

Draco let out a shriek of delight.

"Someday, you will have a wand, too. Can you say 'wand', Draco?"

"Mggrklll," replied the boy, beginning to lose interest again.

"You can do it. Say 'wand'."

Draco thought he had a better idea. He leaned forward and pulled the end of the wand into his mouth. Lucius hurriedly pulled it away, but not before the baby coughed and choked on it. Narcissa came running as Lucius patted him lightly on the back. "Are you all right, little one? That is why we do not put wands in our mouths."

"Gk!" said the baby, an aggrieved and mightily confused expression on his little face. Narcissa breathed a sigh of relief. No harm done, it seemed.

Lucius looked with distaste at his saliva-covered wand. "I had thought when he grabbed it that he might have a natural inclination for wandwork, but I can see I was wrong," he chuckled ruefully.

"Gk,' repeated his son, who still looked decidedly discomfited. "Gk!"

"Oh, have you got the hiccups?" crooned Lucius. "Another reason not to suck on wands."

"Gk," said the baby, and spit up on his father's lap.

"Gah!" said Lucius in surprise. Narcissa resisted the urge to laugh at the way a little half-digested milk reduced her husband's speech capabilities to the level of their infant son's. Instead, she took out her own wand and Scourgified her husband's robe, then summoned a house elf to bring a polishing cloth for Lucius' wand.

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