Chapter 48: Donna

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Diamond's POV:

"Sorry to barge in, but I believe if you are discussing me, I have a right to be here. Also explain Roman, and my disappearance for the past two weeks." I smirk.

"Diamond, please now is not the time for theatrics. You are a lowly stripper, if it wasn't for Roman's rules on women, you would be a whore." The lead elder speaks.

"My theatrics?" I look to the twinkies, and nod. They drop Dante to the ground.

"Dante? Why do you have Dante Luvano?" One of the men jumps up and shouts at me.

"My apologies. I have the man who had had my kidnapped for two weeks." I smirk. "Tell me, what qualifications should the Donna have? Beauty, poise, willingness to submit, unrelenting desire to serve, a good fuck maybe?" I heard the twinkies snicker quietly.

"Young lady, you are out of line. Claiming Dante Luvano kidnapped you for two weeks, but you don't have a mark on you! Then making a mockery out of the title of Donna! I will not stand for it!"

I look to Roman, for permission, he nods. I pull my throwing knife out of my pocket, it hits the intended target. The shoulder of the man standing.

"Sit, the fuck down, and all of you shut up." My voice is powerful and demanding. "The title of Donna, is not a title I care about. To everyone else but you five, I am the Donna. The reason I don't have a mark on me, is because of Allessandro, and Damon. They turned against Dante's rebellion and plan of killing me. They pledge allegiance to me. They helped plan my escape from the inside. Roman was gone, because of my plan. Knowing someone would use me, against him. With him gone, who do they send fingers to? Who do they send video to? Who do they send the threats to?"

"Your hatred of me, stems from the fact I worked at Gold Key. I never stripped once. I was a dancer and waitress there. Never a stripper. I did that of my own choice. You accuse me of being after Roman's money, I have my own money, hard earned, and inherited money. I owned my own home, car, and pets. I had no debt. I have no desire for money, I have desire for family. None of you know me, none of you have had a desire to know me. I will not let anyone harm my family, if someone does, they will die by my hand. Blondy learned that earlier, right Dante?" I grabbed Dante by his collar, and lifted him off the floor. I heard a few gasps.

"Dante, tell the truth now. I don't like liars." I mock him.

"I kidnapped her. She makes our Don weak. Even now she has him silent, and she is the one speaking. The Don's men will follow her instead of him! She needs dealt with, she needs killed! He needs to see the power she has! She is nothing more than a whore, with her claws in everyone!" Dante claimed rather venomously. Roman had clenched fisted, and grinding his teeth. I put my hand up, for Roman to stop his advance. He did. I looked to the elders, and let go of Dante.

"Whatever you decide, I will accept." I calmly stated, and bowed my head to leave. The twinkies went to follow me.

"Gentleman. Allessandro, and Damon correct?" We all stopped and turned. The twinkies nodded. "Will you stay, we need to discuss things."

The twinkies look to me for permission. I nod to them. I look to the elders. "If you kill my twins, I'll make you all bleed, alive but bleeding." My final threat before I walk out.

Roman's POV:

Dia just made a perfect show for both our point, and Dante's. The twins will be the final part. The only reason I have not been asked to leave, is because I am the Don. They council me, but they are not above me.

"Allessandro, Damon. Tell us why you chose Diamond over Dante." Allesio, the leader of the elders said. "First, which one is which?"

The twins are identical, except scars. One has a scar over his right eye, and the other on his left cheek.

"I am Allessandro." The one with the scar over his right eye said.

"I am Damon." The one with scar on his left cheek, claimed.

"We chose Diamond over Dante, because she is married to the Don. We wished to serve the Don, but were left to serve Dante instead. When we found out about his plan to kill Diamond in front of the Don, we knew we had to help her." Allessandro said.

"We watch our father fall apart after he witnessed our mother's death. He was a strong man, but shattered when he lost her. She was the glue that held us together." Damon finished.

"You two are nothing but worthless, backstabbing, traitors! I never should have accepted you into my home.  Women don't hold people together! Men hold together on their own! Your father was weak for letting a measly woman's death affect him so!" Dante spewed his hate. He also just ended his life.

"Roman, where is Prince?" Dia just popped her head in the conference  room. I left him on the island, she is going to kill me. I scratched the back of my neck.

"You left him on the island? I'll send someone to get him. It won't take but two hours." She sighed.

"You knew where he was this whole time!? You lied to me. I beat you, I nearly raped you, but no you just wouldn't tell me!" Dante yelled.

"Mmmhhhmmm, I won't let anyone hurt my husband. Especially not through me." She slammed the door shut.

"Dante, you just condemned your sentence." I warned. "You have brought false allegations against me on several occasions. I forgave you. This, beating my wife, nearly raping her, and your final threat against her was her own death to be witnessed by me. This is too far."

"Roman is right. You have condemned you sentence. You will die, at the hand of Diamond. If she can actually kill you, she will be Donna." Allesio judged, Dante.

He is going to make Dia kill my cousin. He is testing her I know it. She puts family above all else, and he is my family. He is a Luvano.

"Damon, retrieve Diamond." He nods and leaves.

Diamond and Damon come in.

"Diamond, you will receive the title of Donna, if you show your commitment to this family, by killing Dante." Allessio spoke calmly.

"No." She didn't hesitate.

"No?" Allessio questioned.

"You say commitment to family, but Dante is still blood. If he is to die, he is to die at the hands of family blood. Otherwise, I will lock him away, where he can't do harm. Until he dies naturally." My heart is so full of pride right now. How did she know what to say.

"Then you will not be Donna." Allessio informed.

"Then I am not Donna. I do not need a title. I am a wife, a sister, a niece, an aunt, best friend, lover, a daughter and a cousin Those are my titles. Donna is nothing to me, if I am not those. Dante is a cousin, by marriage." Allessio nods

"Dante, you are stripped of all titles. You are no longer a Luvano. You will take your mother's maiden name, back. We accepted you on faith of who your father is, you have shamed the name. He is no longer blood."

I see Diamond smirk. Her pull her butterfly knife out of her back pocket. In one swift motion, she slit Dante's throat.

"That is for threatening to hurt my husband. I told you, my final piece would be in front of the council." She pushed Dante forward.

The council was stunned. The twins and I just smirked. She looked towards the council, and flipped her knife closed.

"Dia- I mean Donna." Allesio bowed his head. "You said you wouldn't kill him."

"You stripped him of the Luvano name. His mother is not family." Diamond smirked. I walked toward her, and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"We didn't think you had it in you, to kill." Allessio stammers out. "How was your first kill?"

"He wasn't my first." Diamond says coldly. "I told you, you do not know me." Allesio raises his head finally and stares in utter astonishment. As with the rest of the council. I kiss her head. My wife, my little kitten, my cold hearted killer.

"We will announce the council's appointing of you as Donna, immediately." Allesio states.

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