Chapter 22: Waffle house!

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Diamond's POV:

"How did you end up in LA?" Daniel asks. We are drinking our coffee, just like we used to.

"Well, I had to get out of town. You took off and divorced Kelly. That left me with basically no one. I tried to keep the club going, but everyone kind of just quit talking and showing up. We fell apart without you and Aaron. My mom six months after Aaron died, was pushing me to date. Trying to set me up, offering to pay for my dating app fees. So I bought a house here, and got a job as a dancer and waitress at Gold Key."

"Wait, you became a stripper?!" Daniel was shocked.

"Nope, never stripped. Just skimpy costumes, and dancing." I took a sip of my coffee.

"How did you meet Luvano?" He asked while taking a sip of coffee.

"Well, he owns Gold Key. The guy he had running it auditioned me to become a stripper, but um he um." I knew what I was about to say was going to piss Daniel off.

"He what?" He gave me a stern look.

"He told me I had to sleep with him to get the part as a stripper, and continue sleeping with him to stay employed." I looked down.

"What did you do to him?" Daniel asked. I looked and he had one eyebrow cocked.

"I cuffed him to a bed, and sliced up his thighs and dick." Daniel almost spit his coffee. He started choking while laughing.

"Damn Diamond. Can you get any crueler?!" He was laughing.

"I snapped a pic, and sent it to his wife and boss, explaining his predicament. The boss showed up, and I may or may not have taken down three guards, and pinned Roman by his throat." I looked guilty, and Daniel laughed. "They tried to stop me leaving, by touching me! Anyway, Roman after than decided he wanted me, and wooed me. We just had our engagement party. Yesterday."

"Geez Diamond. Can you get anymore more badass? So now, down to business." Daniel gets serious. "I will talk to my guys about taking your offer. After your little stunt, I don't think they will agree though. I taught you everything you know about the MC world. You know they don't hold women to the same class."

I hung my head. "I know, but you know me, if they don't give me respect freely, they will be forced to give it to me. Listen, we have the same problem. We are willing to give you all that is in our offer, and continue working with you after. The offer is good, you know I won't screw you over. Even if you haven't told me how my godson is!" I smacked his head.

"Fuck Diamond! That hurt! He is fine. He has all the women he can flirt with, he is doing good in school finally."

"Good. Once you have met with your men, come to our house tomorrow, bring your VP, Right hand man, and my godson. We will discuss your decision." I kissed him on the cheek and gave him a hug.

"Diamond, you actually know him?" Alex spoke while looking in the rear view mirror.

"Yes, he was my late husband and my best friend. We have been through a lot together." I have a tear roll down my my cheek. That stupid lanky, 6', reddish brown haired, blue eyed, pale man, I missed him.

I stared out the window, thinking about the past. Remembering all our club meetings, our events, our late night xbox nights, our phone calls that lasted hours. It was all swirling in my head. "We are home." Alex's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I have to get a clear head. Roman will expect a report.

"He smacked your ass!?" Shit, Roman is pissed. I can't do this. Tears start rolling down my face. I push past him, and bolt to my room.

Roamn's POV:

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