Chapter 30: Talking and nightmares

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Diamond's POV:

I showered and scrubbed myself raw. I didn't care that I have open wounds on my back, or that they were bleeding. I need his skin, his saliva, I need him off of me. No matter how much I scrub, I can still feel him.

I'm laying in bed, face down. I have on a white tshirt, and leggings. I need to be covered.

"Sweetheart? Can we talk?" I hear Tom's voice. I don't move. It hurts to move.

"Sweetheart! Your back is bleeding." Shit my whip marks are bleeding again.

"You need to get those looked at. I'm going to call the doc." I don't protest, they need cleaned up, and ointment put on them. My back was my favorite part of me, now I'll have scars on it. Great. Forever reminder of being kidnapped. At least I killed the fucker.

"Sweetheart, the doc is on his way up. He just checked out Isabella. Wanna talk before he gets here?"

"What do you want me to say? I got beat. I got whipped. He forced me to have sex with him and act like I enjoyed it. Then thank him for a good time. It that what you want me to say?!" I'm yelling at Tom. I'm not mad at him. I'm mad at myself, mad that I couldn't keep Bella and I from being kidnapped. Mad at myself for not getting us out. I had to wait for a man to save me.

"I couldn't even get us out Tom. I couldn't keep us from being taken. I had to wait for Roman to save us. You know I don't rely on other people. I do it myself!" I'm sitting up facing Tom now. The tears are streaming down my face. His face is soft, concerned.

"I tried my best to protect her. They made her watch me get beat, and whipped. I even kept the bag on her head when everyone was shot, so she wouldn't see. She shouldn't have to see. She is too young, too innocent."

"Sweetheart, you did protect her, you did keep her safe. Isabella is strong, she is a mafia woman. She has seen blood shed, and people beaten. She will be okay." He tries to reassure me, but she still shouldn't have to see someone being beaten instead of her.

"So I hear you got the beatings and whippings?" The doc is here.

"Yeah, please look at my back and tell me it isn't gonna scar. I'll lose it if my back scars."

He lifts my shirt, and hums.

"Well, if we can keep it from getting infected, and we can keep the ointment on it, and use some healing stuff it shouldn't. Depending upon your skin." I breathe a sigh a relief.

"I don't scar easily. So I shouldn't scar then."

"They are already healing. I see you have showered. So they are clean. Cotton shirts, no bra, sleep on your stomach or side, and keep the ointment on them." I nod. He checks the rest of me.

"Doc, I hate the stuff. I don't like using it. However" I don't think I can say it. I don't. I don't think it should be used. I don't think it should have been made.

"Here. I know what you want. Here is some water to take it with." He hands me the pill and i take it. With tears streaming down my face, and a knot in my stomach. I take it.

"Sweetheart, I'm so sorry." Tom comes to sit by me. And the doc leaves.

"He told me if I didn't he would rape Bella. He told me I had to enjoy it. That I had to get off on riding him. I had to fake it, and keep from throwing up. I've never been so humiliated in my life." Tom looked furious.

"Did Roman kill him, cause if he didn't I will!" Tom was angry.

"I killed him Tom. I put a bullet in his head." His face softened, and he came over to me. He went to touch me and I flinched.

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