Chapter 9

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Rebel's POV

After I got some of the paperwork done I looked up and watched Ghost beat the man a little longer.

"Thats enough, Ghost." I got up and walked around the desk and kneeled down in front of him.

"Why don't you tell me what I want to know and we can quit this and go on with our day?" I stand and sit on Reaper it's easier then turning the other chair around. I sigh this is taking way too long and I want my answers.

"Look I have a quota to meet, my boss man is working on my responiblities now that I am away, which means he is doing paperwork and isn't in a very happy mood. I want to get what I need here done which means I have 2 options. I have these boys here torture you until you give it up and I clean up afterwords which means all patched club members are to be executed, old ladies will be taken elsewhere and taken care of, not in a nice way either, prospects coming with us to show there worth and I rebuild the club from there or complete shut down this charter. My other option is you tell me what I need to know now I take out the bad fish set up the charter with the backing it needs to get back on its feet." I really want to go with the second option but all that depends on the man in front of me.

"This desistion is on you, we will start easy, What is your road name?" I just watch as the man give in.

"My road name is Greaser, the missing money is the money the boss was taking out to feed into his addiction, underage girls. I didn't want to protect him but he has my daughter, I've been trying to get her away from him but he keeps her locked up in the cellar with all of the other girls he has used." I nod and stand up heading to the other side of the desk to write down what he said and going to my computer to check and see if the information I got was right and to see who else is involved with this human trafficing.

"It all checks out, Ghost untie the man and go get Skull, we have some cleaning up to do and it starts with him. Greaser I want you to go and get those ladies cleaned up and feed, I want someone to start looking and see if they have someone looking for them and send them on there way or if there in foster care let me know I can send them to my care facility when I head back to the main charter."  I looked through the computer and hacked into a few severs to get the info I needed to find out who was selling the girls to the Skull. After I found alot of information on them I sent an annonimous email with all of it to the cops and made sure they couldn't track me. After all of that I looked around the room to see Reaper and Ghost facing the person chained to the floor. Ghost was holding a rag to his bleeding nose and Reaper wiping blood off his lip.

"Damn I must have really been into the computer, I didn't even hear y'all come back into the room." I get up and walk around the desk to lean on it and face Skull.

"You know your VP was extremely loyal hell all of your guys were and its all of your fault they have to deal with all this bullshit. Now we have come to the conclution that you are the problem with this charter and because of that you can kiss your ass goodbye usually they would vote to have your patch stripped and the tattoo covered but because you have angered my charter my boss wants your head with video evidence." I pushed myself off the desk and walked around to open the second jor and pulled out a video camera to set on the desk after I pushed the record button.

"Reaper, Ghost give him hell then kill him. I'm going to start cleaning up outside and then we can head home."  I left the guys to there work then headed to the main room where the guys are all sitting around.

"LISTEN UP!!" I yelled to get the attention of everyone in the compound then moved to the top of the stairs where everyone can see me.

"Look I have a few things I need to explain to you guys and then I will be on my way. First as much as club desision goes and voting that yall can work out later but for now I say we nominate VP Greaser as the Prez of this charter. Secoundly I have desided that the main charter will come by here regularly and that way we can keep an eye out for you or help where we can. Thirdly Skull will be no more he has lost his right to Prez because of the underage girls he has been trafficing. Now if I find out that the human trafficing still continues here then the charter will be destoryed. Clean up your act we are heading back after the guys are done with what they were told to do." After my little speech I went to the bar, grabbed a beer and headed back to the room I have been staying I mean might as well sleep sense I have time before we head home.

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