Chapter 6 - Meet NYC

Start from the beginning

"It's okay if you left it in your house, I'll wait for you to get it."

I shook my head, "N-no. I-I don't have a phone."

He was silent for a few seconds, "House phone?" I shook my head. "I don't have a phone - house or cell. I've never had one."

"Where are you from? The Stone Age? How can you be eighteen and never had a phone in your life?"

I shrugged and looked back at my feet, weaving another fib, "My mother and I lived in a cabin on the edge of the woods and she was very overprotective when it came to me so she never let me have a phone plus I didn't have any friends so I didn't need one anyway. It was one of the reasons she died - because she didn't have a phone to call anyone for help when the cabin caught fire." I hated lying to him - especially about my mother.

His teasing smile faded, "I'm sorry. You have a friend now though." I smiled at the word. I rolled the word around in my head, 'Friend'. Hmm

I shrugged, "Besides, I wouldn't know the first thing to do with a phone."

He chuckled, "We are so going out tomorrow. Is it okay if I invite a few friends?"

I smiled. "Sure. What time?"

"How about two in afternoon?"

I nodded, "Sounds great. See you tomorrow." I waved as he left then unlocked my door before going inside.

I showered, brushed my teeth and got into my night gown. I sat on my bed but couldn't sleep.



'We're supposed to go shopping with Trevor tomorrow but we've got no money.' I explained.

'I know that girl. We're the same person, remember?' She teased.

'What about the trust fund card she gave us? Since it's at 2 in the afternoon, let's go to the bank and access the account beforehand.' She suggested.

'Thanks, Candy. I forgot about the card.'

'You're welcome. Goodnight Nat.'



I was up before dawn and jogged around the neighbourhood again, stopping for a chat with Ms Geranomy to thank her for the flowers and for lending me her grandson. When I got home, I showered and dressed in my jeans from yesterday and a black tee. By ten, I'd grabbed my wallet and was out the door.

I opened my wallet and read the writing on the now wrinkled paper my mother had left me.

Super Banking, No 147 Grovel Avenue. See Mrs Burton.

I hailed a cab and gave the driver the address. I watched the scenes glide by through the window. Couples holding hands, people walking dogs, groups of girls taking pictures of themselves, they all looked so normal and put together. I knew that everyone had their demons and skeletons in their closets but on the surface, most looked at the very least calm.

When we arrived, I thanked the driver and paid him – and added a tip – then got out. I gaped in awe at the building. It was made entirely of polished marble and looked like a Greek temple with its 50 foot pillars. The name of the organisation taking up residence in this beautiful structure and its slogan was brandished across the area above the huge French double doors –Super Banking International Services – 'A Supernatural Experience'.

As I got closer, my skin tingled and warmed up, like my instincts already knew the place. 'Candy, do you feel that?'

'Feel what?'

'The tingling and warmth.'

She was silent for some time, 'Nope. Maybe it's just you.'


I walked through the doors, feeling the warmth enclose me like a hug. It was as if the building itself was comforting me. I truly felt calm and even smiled a little.

The walls were a sea blue and floor and ceiling were made of reinforced glass that allowed you could see the fish swimming in the water through it. The reception was beautifully decorated with fish tanks of different sizes and ocean blue and green chairs that blended perfectly with the room. The light reflected off the water, giving the room an underwater look. It was simply surreal.

I walked to the fish tank counter with an employee behind it. She had the same type of hair colouring as my mother - the colour of sand that you'd see at the floor of the sea on a calm day around the roots and black from around the top of her ears to the end. It was in a fishtail braid over her shoulder. Her clothes and eyes were the same ocean blue-green that coloured the room. She reminded me of a mermaid – and of my mother.

She smiled which revealed her perfect rows of white teeth. "Good morning, my name's Melody. Welcome to Super Banking International Services. What can I do for you?" Her voice had a musical hint to it.

"I'd like to see Mrs Burton please." She nodded and typed on her computer. "I'm sorry; she doesn't have any registered appointments right now. Maybe it's a mix-up. What's your full name, dear?"

'Should I tell her my name, Candy?'

I could practically see her shrugging, 'I don't know. I think so – what's the worst that could happen?'

'It could get back to the one person in that pack that knows my name and they'd find us.' I reminder her.

'But it might not and if mum told you to see Mrs Burton, she probably told her your name in advance so that she'll know it's you. Besides, if it does get back to the Lightwood pack, we could always move again and lay lower.' Candy pointed out.

'Valid point'

"Is everything okay, dear? You look lost in thought. Do you want to sit?" Melody looked truly worried.

I smiled at her concern, "I'm fine, thank you."

"Okay then, dear. What's your full name?"

I hesitated, "Natalia Avarielle Ember."

Her eyes widened, "What's your mother's first name?"

"Uh, Aquina...?" 'Why would she need mum's name?' Candy asked. She couldn't possibly know where I was from.

"You've finally come!"

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