39// A Russian Twist

Start from the beginning

"Straight to the point I see" She said as she rolled her eyes.

"I'm tired of games. I just want answers." I stated

"Yes. Our dear daddy had a fling with my star of a mother back in moscow before he met your mother. He impregnated her and left, to you. Left her to be abandoned by her family, kicked out of her ballet school and ashamed for the rest of her life. My birth just being a burden." She said but her words grew with hate.

"I've always wanted a sister though" She said gleefully as she stroke my cheek. I flinched and stepped away.

"So why torment me instead of knocking on my front door?" I asked, the fury rising.

Her eyes looked at me gently "Someone had to pay. He was supposed to come back but he didn't because of you."

"But he's dead. Wouldn't that just have ended the resentment you have for him?" I asked

She scoffed "He got the easy way out. All the mafia had to do was put a bullet through his head. I had unfinished business"

The mafia part was true.

"But now all I want is for us is to be sisters. You took dear daddy away from me and I hated you for it but now I see it. I just want what I never got, love." She muttered gently

"You expect me to love you after everything you did to me?" I asked in a hushed infuriated tone

"You say the past is the past." She said

"Not for you. You've had strings on me since you forced William van der Bilt to ruin my life." I hissed

"Without me you wouldn't have had that second chance with Logan, that ring would not be on your finger." She said, her tone growing angry.

I glared at her, my eyes full of hatred as they rested on her.

"Lena" My name was called, loud and full of worry.

It was Logan

Shay tilted her head at me and shook her head slowly warning me. I couldn't stay hidden behind these bushes with her any longer but she knew that. She lunged at me before I could shout, her hand covered my mouth and I felt my body falling back slowly yet quickly.

My head collided with a cold hard object, I felt the force throughout my head. The ringing in my ears and clouded vision, I saw her get up. She said something, I think she said sorry before she ran away.

I slowly lifted my upper body, a pounding sensation emitting through the front and back of my head. I squeezed my eyes closed in pain as I sat up, I gripped onto the grass and pushed myself off of the ground. The view was moving, my head felt dizzy and I didn't know if I was standing upright or not.

My feet carried me around the bushes and into civilization again. My steps were slow and unbalanced, my eyes constantly squeezing shut to keep the world from spinning.

My shoulder bumped into someone's back as I was losing balance. "Sorry" I mumbled as I forced myself upright.

"Lena, it's me."

I turned my head, my eyes focusing on the blurred man. My eyes squinting and widening to focus on his face until it finally did. It was Nate.

"What happened? You're bleeding." He said, his voice in panic.

My hand raised up to my head where the pain was pulsating. I felt a warm liquid, as I brought back down to see, my vision focused clearly for a moment.

"Is that blood?" I asked

My eyes shifted back to Nate's blue worrisome eyes. I felt a my legs grow weak and saw my vision begin to narrow and grow dark.

"I need to rest for a moment." I mumbled and I lost my vision.

I felt Nate's arms around me and him saying my name. My eyes reopened and slowly my vision was returning but still cloudy.

We were moving, Nate was walking and my legs were moving slowly.

"Come on, Lou. Just a little more." I heard Nate.

My eyes were opening and closing, constantly. Last I saw we were in the garden then we were in the hospital then I saw a doctor in front of my face then I was out.

My eyes reopened slowly, my legs and feet the first thing that come into focus then the hospital bed. I sat up, it was a mistake, I did it too fast.

I felt the pain rush to my head, the pulsating sensation return. It was like drumsticks pounding on my skull. My hands held my head as I bent over and my eyes shut.

"Might want to take it easy, darling." A male's voice said.

"Take it slow, love." That was Logan.

I opened my eyes and slowly sat up, ignoring the pain.

"Can you see clearly?" The male said, white coat means his the doctor.

My eyes raised up to Logan who stood by my bedside.

"Crystal." I responded

"How's your pain?" The doctor asked

"Moderatish, close to extreme." I responded "Can we just skip to the prescription so I can get out of here?"

"You afraid of hospitals?" The doctor asked with raised eyebrows.

"I have business to care of." I stated

"That will have to wait. Lay back because you aren't leaving this bed for a while." Logan said much to my dismay.

"Your husband's smart, I'd listen to him." The doctor said

After the check up and tests the doctor ran because of Logan, I was released with a bag of pain killers and a numb head.

Logan led me to the bed, I laid down and he pulled the covers over me. He began to walk away.

"Where are you going?" I asked

"I have something to take care of" He responded

"Yeah, me." I said and patted the space beside me.

He came willingly not hesitantly and not with an eye-roll. He laid beside me and I scooted right next him. My head laid on his sternum and arm wrapped his torso as if he were my teddy bear. My eyes closed and a small smile came to my lips, sleep was among me.

"You scared me today." Logan said lowly as his hand grazed down my arm.

"I was scared too." I admitted "Every second of it, I wished I was in your arms."

"You are now." He said as his hand grazed over the side of my face to my hair.

"And I never want to leave." I mumbled

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