06// Gossip served sunny side up

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Morning on the Upper East Side, where even our own blonde birdie has been spotted flying the coop early to make it to her early classes. Leave it to Serena van der Woodsen to make eek chic. Who knew ivy would look so good on her?

-Gossip Girl

When summer comes to end, College starts up again. When that happens, homework piles up due to never ending procrastination.

I had just gotten out of a business management class, since I am now a part of a literal big business I might as well take some business courses. I don't want to run a business without any experience or with out knowing what the hell I'm doing.

The sun is bright and out at it's highest peak, even in a dress and sandals, I'm still burning up. As I continue to walk through the campus, I collide with a promiscuous Bass.

"Chuck? What are you doing here?" I ask him as I stop him in his tracks.

"I'm here to audit a few business classes" He responds. He's dressed in a very nice suit but I sympathize for him since it's extremely hot out today. "Which classes?" I ask inquisitively.

"Your classes." He responds with a smirk "How did you find out?" I ask annoyed and slightly surprised. I've been trying to keep my schedule this year under wraps especially from Chuck.

"I'm Chuck Bass. I know everything." He says with an expression that reads 'duh'. I cross my arms in front of my chest. "I have to admit it sounds so much better when you say it. Lena Bass doesn't have the same vibe." I say and he chuckles.

"Perhaps it's because you'll always be a Collier." He says bring a smile onto my face. "So why didn't you want me to know you were taking business classes?" He asks.

"I just feel a little embarrass I guess." I respond with a shrug of my shoulders.

"Why? Do I make you feel this way?" He asks, quirking his eyebrow.

"No. It's just you didn't need to take business courses to know what you're doing and how to run a business." I respond.

"Just because I run a business successfully doesn't mean I always know what I'm doing." He says in a lightened mood and I smile.

"Tell anyone and I will take Hemera away from your service." He says in a joking way yet seriously.

"Don't blackmail me, Chuck, remember Basses don't play nice. Also, please keep Mera. She's the only light in that office." I say with a pout.

"I will take that under consideration. Never mess with a Bass, we fight fire with nukes." He says making me chuckle. "That I believe."

"I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow for the meeting." He says and I nod "Send me a reminder." I shout as he walks away.

"I just did." He shouts back.

I laugh and continue to walk my designating path. I come to slow pace when I spot Logan beneath a large shady tree. He leans against it as he speaks to a girl. Jealously hits me and only grows as I watch Logan get closer to her. He places his hand on her hip but his expression doesn't read seduction. The girl on the other hand does, she seems to enjoy having Logan's hand on her.

I was about to walk away until I see him discreetly shove a small pouch into her bag. I can assume the worst. The girl says something with a flirting smile before she walks away, Logan gives her a scowl. He wasn't flirting, he was doing way worst. Dealing in broad daylight.

That night at the ball was a night of comfort, nothing more. We've talked but that's just as far as it's gotten since we've been busy all the time. We've texted but they were always short conversations asking each other how we're doing. It saddens me, honestly, I miss him but I don't know how he feels.

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