20// Waldorf Style

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Those three components are part of every funeral that takes place.

It has been a week since Chuck bared the horrible news.

I couldn't believe him and I didn't. I didn't sleep for three days until I knew my father was dead for certain. The only way I received the confirmation was by seeing the lifeless body itself.

It's been a week and I have not cried, have not shed one tear. Mother says I don't grieve properly but I need to. Chuck won't stop pestering me whether if I'm ok or not. Nate won't leave my side. Liam is an accomplice to Nate's guard duty. As for Logan, he won't stop calling.

I peek through the slightly opened door to see the church filling up faster than a ride at Disneyland. Men dressed in formal black attire, women with their black veils and tissues, and children who are bored.

Up at the front, my father's casket lies where his body lies within. A portrait of himself is displayed near two round wreaths of flowers. His green eyes are bright and filled with joy as for his smile, expressing the benevolence and happiness he always had.

My eyes trail to my mother who's greeting the Archibalds. The pain and devastation clearly visible in the eyes of my mother.

Nate approaches the door and pushes it open, I step back as he walks in.

"Hey." He says. His voice tender, his eyes soft and full of concern.

"Hey." I respond lowly.

Nate gently embraces me, my head rests on his shoulder as his head leans against my head.

"I'm going to be by your side the whole day if you need me just signal me. Pinch your ear and I'll know to come. You'll be fine, I know you will be." Nate says.

"Hey. The ceremony is about to start." Liam says as he walks into the room.

Nate and I part from the hug, he places a soft kiss on my forehead "I'm going to go take my seat. Remember." He says then pinches his ear to present the signal.

I nod and he gives me a gentle smile before exiting the room.

"Ready, Al?" Liam asks

I nod my head in response. Liam extends his hand out which I take. We exit the room and take a seat in the front row beside my mother.

Towards the end of the ceremony, my mother makes her speech up at the podium. She tries to hold her tears in and be brave as I would.

"Come up with me?" I whisper to Liam.

He nods in response with a reassuring smile.

Mom wraps her speech "My daughter would like to say a few words, now."

Liam and I step up onto the stage and to the podium. Mom kisses my cheek before she descends the stage.

I look at the portrait to see the eyes of my father looking at me. The only time I'll be able to see his eyes, his smile, his face; in photos.

"Elijah was like a second father to me..." Liam spoke into the microphone of the podium.

He must have sensed my uneasiness and stood up for me.

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