chapter five :locks without keys

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I guess I half expected a giant monster to jump out at me once I opened the door, but instead there was just a freezing cold, empty corridor.I ran down the left hand side and found a set of fancy stairs.Once down the stairs I found my way into a dimly lit room which appeared to be empty.

"Boo" a voice tickled my ear and I turned around to find ayato (the schools notorious badboy) behind me smirking.Also in tow ,clad in their school uniforms were reiji, shu, subaru and on a seat in the corner of the room sat a bored looking laito.Id only ever seen them at school but they were quite popular among most girls."jasmin." reji spoke with authority and pushed up his glasses with a white gloved hand "h-hai" "come with me." he spoke flatly whilst grabbing my wrist in a firm grip 'thats gonna bruise'  I thought. Suddenly mr. perv spoke up "hurt her good for me ~♡" his eyes gleamed with amusement.I gave laito my famous death glare ,earning me a smirk ."when your done come to my room.dont be long" subaru the youngest muttered then stormed off somewhere with shu and ayato shortly behind.

I was swiftly pulled off into a..lab? there were books and chemicals all over the vast black room "sit" ,I didnt object, and sat on a plush red armchair rimmed with gold.Reiji walked off somewhere and left me alone, the room was amazingly organized with shelves and shelves of books lining the pristine walls.

I became curious as 10 minutes past, so I decided to walk around a bit. Stalking past a sh*t ton of books one in perticular caught my eye 'how to bond with a vampire spirit demon'. I opened the book and began to read the dust caked pages 'An introduction to a vampire spirit demon: They are found in many places, but are usually never knowledgeable of their abilities or title.A v.s.d is created when one of the spirit demons (aka kitsune, white snake etc) mates with a pure blooded or mixed blood vampire (the purer the blood the stronger the v.s.d) and has a child.The child is almost always female and the small male percentage rarely make it past the age of three.The abilities of a v.s.d are dependent on the type of vampire and spirit its parents are. The most uncommon of all is the kitsune and vampire bond, not only would the child be extremely powerfull but would most likely be forced to bond with many vampires.The abilities of this mix are as follows :telekinesis, death glare which can paralize or kill the victim, , extremely fast , strong, , beautiful and smart, marrionet power which is that if they consume or have the blood of someone in their body they can control them.Last tip for meeting a kitsune blood -#-'//::&, ()?&,#!.The rest was scribbled through with dark black ink, I cut my finger on the edge of the page and dropped the book "ooouucchhh!!!" I whined loudly, also turning to see if reiji had returned. My eyes fell to the book that now layed on the floor, on the page now visible was a picture of a pretty young girl with a beautiful mother and a striking father below the picture it read 'jasmin mitzukuni, only known kitsune blood'.

I started to walk backwards with my eyes so wide they could fall out, away from what I had just experienced when I ran into a soft, cold wall."haha I guess you found the book?.all the better for me I suppose" reiji said coldly . Before I could turn to face him I slumped to the floor and I lost my grip on consciousness.

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