Scary Monsters & Evil Spirits

Start from the beginning

Eleanor couldn't help the sly smirk on her face. "Now do you believe me." For some reason before all of this happened she could only do small spells no matter how much she practiced. But now she felt stronger than ever. The spell she just attempted needed great power to be perform.

Luna begins to cry again and Scarlet ask her voice low, "How are we here?"

"Midnight." She answers.

"Who?" The four say at the same time. Then they hear a cat purring and skipping towards Eleanor legs. "This is Midnight. She watches over you-" She looks at Calista. "You all." She clears her throat. "Last night I saw you guys fall of the cliff and I came to help. I became stronger and was able to drag you all from under water with my powers."

"How have you became this badass witch all of a sudden?" Stella answers vemon behind her voice. "How do we know you didn't just kill us."

"Why would I do that!" Eleanor says back.

"Jealously of course." Stella replies. "But you fucked up and killed the girl you lov-

"Shut the fuck up Stella!" Calista screams and Stella instantly shuts her mouth. Eleanor bites her lower lip and says whispering because she could see Scarlet and Luna thinking about what Stella just stated. "I didn't kill you all."

"How do we know it wasn't your insane ex." Scarlet pipes in moments later taking the attention off of Eleanor.

Everyone then turns towards Stella.

"He doesn't have the nuts." The blonde says but her voice betrayed her confidence.

"I believe we found the killer." Scarlet says.

"What happened after you dragged us out of the water." Luna finally speaks her voice low.

"Like I previous said emotion plays a huge role in magic." Scarlet snorts, Stella rolls her eyes, and Calista runs her hand through her hair in annoyance. All of this was crazy. Eleanor bites her lip and then says, "What is the point if you all not gonna take me seriously."

"Sorry." Scarlet tries not to laugh but all of this was bull shit to her. Finally after gathering themselves Eleanor continues. "I called for the spirts bring you back." She was now looking towards Calista. "But they refused."

"And?" Stella questions wanting answers.

"I don't know." Eleanor shrugs. "One moment I'm crying over your dead body." Eleanor says looking towards Calista. "And then next thing I know Calista is breathing and not to long after all of you are."

"I see." Calista says and then stands but she howls in pain because she forgot about her thigh. Stella and Eleanor shouts her name and then frown towards each other. "Let me." Eleanor says touching her thigh softly. It was a huge a huge gash. "I'm not a full healer but I can try."

Calista nods her head and Eleanor chants another spell and this time everyone pays close attention. Her palm glows lightly on top of the wound and Calista hisses slightly. They all watch amazed as the wound heals a little and then her palm stops.

Eleanor smiles sheeplishly.

"Bummer." Scarlet says.

"Not a badass witch anymore." Stella says.

Eleanor frowns, "I'm not a healer. My ancetors are not known for that."

"And what are you known for?" Stella eyes narrow towards Eleanor but the midnight hair witch doesn't answer but turns her head. Stella smirks and then looks for a first aid kit and when she comes back she grabs Calista thigh and wraps it.

Calista Lake (GirlXGirl)Where stories live. Discover now