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One Month Later

6:45 A.M.

The sound of my alarm going off awakened me from a sleep that was really just getting good since I didn't go to sleep until 4:30 this morning. I was up all night preparing and practicing for my presentation in my Business Ethics class. It's 20% of my final grade, so I really need an A.

After snoozing one time, I turned my alarm off and dragged myself out of bed and to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, then waltzed back into my room and casted my phone screen to my TV so that I could play some music throughout my entire bedroom.

Just as I was about to shuffle Jadakiss, my phone starting ringing. I looked at the caller ID and all I could do was smile, because it was Devonte.

"Hey!" I answered, not caring about how loud and excited I sounded.

"Wassup, Ma?" Devonte said, his raspy voice melted my ears like cotton candy in water. "You good? You up? You got a big day today."

"I knoooow, I'm about to get ready now. After I got home I stayed up practicing for this presentation, so I feel pretty good about everything."

"Word? Damn, you ain't even have to leave, forreal. You could've practiced on me, I woulda been your audience."

I was smiling so hard that I was sure my cheeks were gonna get stuck; luckily we weren't on FaceTime, so he wouldn't know.

"I'm about to turn on ya boy while I get dressed." I chuckled.

"Who's my boy?"


Devonte laughed. "I'm tellin' you shorty, Kiss of Death is a classic."

"Yeah yeah," I teased. "We gon' see."

"That's wassup," Vonte said and by the way he said it, I know he nodded his head. "But listen Cyn, I just called to tell you that I woke up thinking 'bout you and to wish you good luck on your presentation."

I swear, my heart melted from my chest into the phone.

"Aweee, thanks Vonte." I cooed. "You're the best!"

"You comin' over when you done with everything?"

"That's the plan."

"Bet. I'll see you later, Ma. Look, don't even sweat that shit, you got it. Aight?"

"Okay," I said, a little more excited than I should've been.

"Aight. Later." Vonte said as he hung up.


I pressed the red button at the bottom of my screen and then let out a huge breath. I wasn't even in a bad mood, but hearing Vonte's voice boosted my mood 1000 times over. It's crazy that one call put me on cloud 9.

Ever since that day when Vonte and I slept together (and JUST slept) then went to Cade, we've been inseparable. That night sparked up something that just can't keep us apart. Every day after class, I go over there and chill with him and Killa. During the week I normally go home at night when he leaves, but lately I've been spending my whole weekends with him. Nikki is my girl and I love her forever, but Devonte has truly become my best friend.

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