Alternative Ending

Bắt đầu từ đầu

He woke up in a dark forest, full of negativity, Cross didn't like the feeling, it's reminding of him. "Hehehe, awww Cross~ You still couldn't say my name~," The person chuckled "why? Am I too scary for you~" The voice sent a shiver down his spine. It's too familiar to be wrong. "You know you can't hide from me forever~". A tentacle suddenly held his throat, canceling air (even though he doesn't really need to breath). Cross struggled, but nothing happened. He tried calling for help, no one came. . .he want to call out to Cross!Chara, but what he saw was horrifying! He saw. . . . . .   
                                                (⚠️ proceed with caution ⚠️)
                                                (because it's gonna get bloody)
                                                (If you cannot take blood scene)
                                                (Please skip this)
                                                (I WON'T take ANY responsibility)

Are you guys sure?

Because you READ the warning

And you cannot blame me for not warning you

Now you swear (however you do it) say "I will never tell my mom and/or dad on UnknownPersony for their bloody story because I have already read the warning, and I will take all the responsibility."

You swore these words on your heart, then I can let you proceed.


Cross!Chara's body. . .lying there. But the worst is that his body was chopped into pieces right in front of Cross's eyes, and his head was hanging on the wall. Hungry wild animals all quickly gathered around and ate Chara's chopped up body pieces. "Why?" Cross said with tears in his eyes (sockets?) Nightmare puts him down, still stopped Cross from moving, facing him he said "Because they want to take you away from me. They tried to protect you but I know they just trapped you here. I'm here to set you free." Cross shook his head, he didn't want to believe what Nightmare said to him. Not even a single word. When the wild animals all ran away. . .not even a single bone was left there. Cross sniffed. "Where are the others!?" Cross said angrily, Nightmare snapped his fingers and revealed the dust of Killer, Horror, and Dust. Nightmare turned Cross around to see this scene. Cross's legs were shivering until they cannot hold his body weight anymore. He fell down but nightmares tentacle was keeping him up. "Ahhh how precious. They try to protect their friend, but they aren't strong enough to do so. Instead of succeeding, they paid their lives into it. Life isn't easy, you always try to protect someone from other people because you have the urge to feel like they can hurt the person you're trying to protect, but when you try to protect them. You pay your lives into it," Nightmare said sighing, and shake his head "you're lucky Cross, having loyal friends isn't easy, I know that because I've been betrayed by many people including my brother. But let me tell you this, you can't ever hide away from me~ I will always find you. No matter where you are~" Nightmare said stroking Cross's cheek.

Cross woke up gasping, a couple of tears fell down from his eye (sockets?) as he cried. He didn't want to drag anyone into this mess or get them killed because of him. He got out of his comfy bed, and do his daily routine. He got out some plant seed Chara gave him as heading towards the backyard. He already made the soil soft, and he just needs to plant it. After he planted it, he watered them, going back to the living room. The doorbell rung, 'oh, I didn't know anyone will be visiting me today, maybe they forgot to say it'. Cross dust of his clothes, trying to look nice, then opened the door

I'll be long gone (CrossMare) [COMPLETED] Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ