Chapter 2

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A/N:Sorry I said I will post this on December 26. But my parents just told me that Christmas is on December 25. Srsly WHY NO ONE TELLS ME ANYTHING!!!! So sorry about it. But hey looking on the bright side, at least you  get a chapter earlier. . .um, *awkward silence* I'll just go.

Make sure to look at the top section for why did I post this earlier than I said


Are you sure?

Your last warning because this will be very angst

And be sure to have a tissue with you if you need to cry a waterfall. Or kind of sensitive to angst, then I suggest you leave.

I'm back. Now let's continue

Cross walked to a very very dangerous place and ignoring Chara's silent pleas. After Cross die, he'll not die because Cross has learned a spell to separate them both, but he cares about him (but even though he acts like he hates him) Cross, with determination mixed with depression and emotionless. He's determined to end it all. Too depressed to take it anymore. It been too painful for him. It has already passed his limits and beyond. Why he didn't tell anyone? Hehehe do you has think anyone is going to listen to his story after what he has done to their AU?! Ha ha ha. Hilarious. Cross walking closer to the cliff. And you might be wondering what's at the bottom? It was just an unfinished part of this AU. And will never be complete. Cross walked closer to it. Closer. Closer. Yet closer (darker, darker, yet darker XD okay I'll stop). He was at very edge of the unfinished part. People rumors about this place. Anyone who falls in there will be deleted and no one has ever returned. That is what Cross exactly needs. He let Chara speak a few words, before he jumps into the dark place, and never returns. Chara now has tears in his eyes (which rarely happens) was clinging on Cross like his life depends on it. "Why?!" He choked out "what's so good about him that lead you to this?!?" Chara was now so desperate for an answer, anything!! Staring to Cross's lifeless eye (sockets?) he knew the answer. Nightmare means the world to him. He already lost everyone that he ever loved. Papyrus, Frisk, Toriel, everyone else! Ever since that, Cross thought he couldn't live anymore, but Nightmare was his only light. But now being rejected. It was a big impact on his soul. It already has so many cracks. Each one with sadness, anger, fear, and all other negativity he feels. It really mixed him up, until the last part. . .emotionless. Chara looked down again, then at Cross. Smiling a teary smile, even though they didn't want to say this, but it was Cross's choice. "It is up to you now on what you want to do. I won't stop you, I promise." Cross gave him a half smile turning back to the cliff. When he was about to jump. . . "Wait!" Cross turn around to see Chara. He tilted his head at him. "?" A questioning look is filled on his face. Then suddenly out of nowhere Chara hugged Cross. "I want to gave you a last goodbye." Chara knew the cliff down there. Nobody returns from there. And don't worry much about Chara. Cross has already prepared a body and a half soul of Frisk. Chara smiles once again "I'll miss you, Sans." Now Cross hasn't been called Sans in a long time. Yes, he named himself that, but it was after his AU was destroyed. Cross was shocked about that, but soon nodded. Letting go, Cross walked towards the cliff. He took a step ahead. Takes a deep breath. . .and he finally got to be free. After Cross turn into dust, Chara collected them. And put them in a jar, and buried Cross's dust beneath his favorite bench to sit at, and the last place he was saw.

The End
If you're curious about what Nightmare did. . .well, I don't think you want to know what has happened to him, since he cause the heartbroken, but if you do. You'll get something surprising are you ready? Okay let's see how far can you go! Ready, set, GO!




💀 Death 💀 is ahead

Why are you still here?

turn back!!!!!!! ⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪

You'll not like what happens next!

This is your LAST ⚠️warning ⚠️

Well, with Nightmare, it is a different story. See I know you hate him, but he was forced to do it. You see he likes Cross a tiny little bit. But someone loves Cross a lot more than Nightmare, but Cross only loves him. So this person possesses Nightmare, and do the hurting. Now you might want to beat this mysterious person up, but you don't know who they are. So who is it? Actually, I have literally had no idea here. I just don't want you guys to start to hate Nightmare more because of me. Sorry, I hate it when someone is judged harshly because of what they did, but no one has actually seen what is the reason they are doing this. Like Error (I'm not apart of Error protective squad, it's just an example) he destroys AUs, and people hate him for it but have they ever looked deep inside of him, and maybe some clues might come up. Maybe it has something to do with his family? Or other theory about the balance. Anyway, I hope anyone who is reading this. Don't judge people too harshly, you never knew who they could have gone through, and just want someone to talk to, but just using a different way. You have to start to realize that people are different from you, and maybe try to talk to another person, and you might find something they have in common with you. Like me discovering that Error wasn't all that bad, and we have some of the same things. Who knows. Okay, I'm rambling too much. Oh, and people making to the end! Thank you. I really need to get this off my chest. And thank you for listening to me. Bye bye!!!

Btw I got inspired by this song 👇 check it out.

I'll be long gone (CrossMare) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now