So Very Not Awkward. | T.T

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Elsa: Welp. Alyssa has been dared to be "shipped" with Kristoff or Olaf.

Anna: What is "shipped"?

Alyssa: Well, It's short for relationship. So, to be shipped is to be put in a relationship.


Elsa: Oh, well Kristoff's married soooo...

Alyssa: *tear*

Olaf: *le being pulled by Sven and Maximus*

Hey, what're you doing, guys?

Alyssa: He HAD to be married!

How could he even like Anna with her hair like that?!

Anna: >:|

Olaf: Shipped?


*hugs Alyssa*

Lola: lalala! Olaf!?

What're you doing?!

Olaf: Well, Elsa told me-

Lola: That you would be better with little miss "OMG FROZEN AND PLL!"?!

Well, then fine! Be with her! We're through!

Olaf: But, Lola!

Elsa: Olaf... I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have made you done that dare.

Well... see you next time on...

Everyone: Ask Arendelle.

(((Awwwe! Poor Olaf! 😔 And Alyssa!😂

QOTD: Fart juice or pee soda?

AOTD: I don't know. Hey, that's exactly what my mom said when the doctor asked her if my brain was ok!

Sorry for being a bit of a sourpuss lately. It's just... (ugh) SCHOOL.


Kay bi.)))

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