My little Frozen

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Anna: Oooh! Yay Ponies!

Elsa: *le face palm* Ok.... so we got asked this question: "What are your favourite MLPs?"

Kristoff: Oooh! Yay ponies! I mean..... eeew ponies..... 0///0

Elsa: Well I like Snowdrop. She is sweet, she is smart and she didn't have many friends as a child.... oh yeah! And she invented snowflakes!

Anna: I like pinkie pie! She's so positive and cheery! Also, she likes chocolate!

Kristoff: I don't like ponies....

Anna: B-but you have pony manties.....

Kristoff: Anna! You weren't supposed to tell anyone that!!!

Anna: Oops... hehe....

Kristoff: Ok. I like Cadence because she is a magical pink ailicorn who is a princess and she has love powers and rainbow hair...... 0-0

Anna and Elsa: *le manically snikering* Thank you for watching Ask Arendelle!

Kristoff: (/-^-)/ Ask questions and give us dares in the comments. See you next time on....

Everyone (sort of): ASK ARENDELLE!

(((Please leave questions, compliments and dares in the comments below.... Thanks!)))

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