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  • इन्हें समर्पित: skuIIs

Anna: *Le insane laugh*

Elsa: Calm down Anna. So ANNA got dared to eat chocolates. Buuuut..... we're gonna make this more interesting.....

Anna: O.O

Elsa: She has to shove as many pieces as she can in her cheeks then swollow it whole!

Kristoff: oooooooooo!

Anna: OK. *le shoves 4 pieces in mouth* umm *Le shoves 6 more* mmm *le adds 8* O.O *swallows* gaaaah! I never thought I would hate chocolate so much! And why was it so spicy?!

Elsa and Kristoff: We added pepper! *le evil laugh*

Anna: *le runs to bathroom*

Elsa and Kristoff: See you next time oooon........

Anna: Ask Arendelle! :P

((( You know what to do...)))

Ask Arendelle [Closed]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें