An eye for an eye

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I am an impulsive person.


Sometimes I do things I regret later. But that day I decided to do something which I knew I would regret later, but as they say “Enjoy it while it lasts.” So what if my idea of enjoying meant to shut my eyes to everything around me. Literally.


It is not easy to explain why I took that drastic step that turned my life into a crazy mess. I could have taken the easy way out. But it would have taken time and if there is anything I have learnt from my father’s death is that life is not that long and time is precious.


So it isn’t me being rude when I don’t answer and just sit there when they ask me,


“Why did you turn blind?”


Here is my confession hoping you would bail me out as I don’t really want this to get to my mother’s ears. I will just wait here for you in this dingy cell while the police tries to grill my actual identity from me.


An eye for an eyeWhere stories live. Discover now