19. Stain vs nightwing

Start from the beginning

Izuku: nice for you to join the party

Shoto: the other pros are on their way

Izuku: nice

Tenya: listen guys stain is mine I should stop him

Izuku: Iida listen you got this in your head that you don't noticed everything around you

Shoto: he's right you're brother wanted you be a hero to help people right then you need to help us become the hero he wanted you to be

As we continue fighting he threw away my eskrima sticks but I use my gauntlets to fight thanks to my training with gunhead

But he passed me and went straight forward todoroki but all of a sudden Iida regain his strength and use his quirk so it was just now me shoto and Iida against stain

Tenya: todoroki....Midoriya.....this has nothing to do with you I apologize

Izuku: not this again

Tenya:I won't let the two of you shed anymore blood for me if I give up the name Ingenium dies

Stain: pathetic

Izuku: come on guys let's do this

Shoto & tenya: right

Izuku: shoto distract him with your quirk Iida you and I are gonna finish this

Tenya: my engines are shot todoroki I need you to freeze my engine

Shoto: ok

As shoto freezes his leg stain try to counter them but I decided to hold him off to buy some time for them

Izuku: if you think about hurting them I won't let you

I threw stain high up We only got one shot so I walk back and got ready for the blow at the same time Iida was ready and we both ran in

Tenya: recipro extend

As Iida and I both jump we were gonna finish this

Izuku and tenya: if I just use my leg/ arm

Shoto: go guys

Izuku & tenya: that's all I need to beat stain

We both hit stain me hitting him across the face and Iida kicking his back with todoroki finishing it of with a fire attack
After the fight stain was still conscious so I use my eskrima stick to zap him the we remove all of his weapons out most of us I was the one unscratch

Shoto: that armor really help you

Izuku: yeah anyway the pros should get here anytime soon

Native: Thank you, you saved my life also your the quirk...

Izuku: quirkless boy I know but now I have a hero name you heroes can stop call me quirkless boy

Native: ok what's the name

Izuku: Nightwing

Gran Torino: what are you doing here boy

Izuku: hey Gran Torino

As he was about to kick me in the face I blocked it

Gran Torino: damn I thought I told you to stay with me

Izuku: I know but there's good news

Gran Torino: what's that

Izuku: I save Iida and the pro hero native and we capture stain

Shoto: who's he

Izuku: he's my intern btw how did you find us I only told the pros but you weren't there

Gran Torino: I was told to come here by someone else glad you're not dead I guess that training pay off

Hero: hey

We turn our head to see the other heroes

Female hero: Nightwing there you are... is that the hero killer

Izuku: yep and my friends here are injured call the police and and ambulance for them I'm not that harm

Female hero: wow not a scratch how are you not injured

Izuku: my armor is blade proof plus I had combat against knives and sword from gunhead

As the heroes were calling the police I grabbed my eskrima sticks and got on guard

Gran Torino: why you still have those

Izuku:because if you're here that means you defeated that Nomu but I saw another one so I defeated it too so I'm keeping my guard Incase there's a third

Female hero: yeah it's a flying one so keep on guard

Tenya: Midoriya todoroki forgive me I should've listened this was my fault that you're hurt

Izuku: hey it's fine I'm the class rep I should look out for others and I'm unharmed beside saving the ones you care about is what makes you a true hero

Stain: Midoriya

Izuku: what do you want we defeated you

Stain: now I see why shigaraki hates you you're just like all might but to me you're a better hero than all these false ones

Just then the flying Nomu came and grabbed me as it was leaving with me it was shot in the other eye as I fell I was caught by stain just then someone stepped out of the shadows

Red hood: stain where's slade

Stain: as if I tell you

Stain killed the Nomu

Tenya: it's him

Shoto: who's he

Tenya: the villain killer Red hood

Red hood looked at me but quickly looked away

stain grabbed a knife

Stain: your the true hero Midoriya I heard of your parents and make me a promise *takes off glove* destroy the league of villains and be the definition of hero

Stain then stabbed himself in the neck

Izuku & red hood: NO!

From that day forward stain the hero killer died by suicide I feel like I should've stop him but he didn't wanted me to everyone else was scared but I just stood there I as the police arrived I carried his dead body to them the hero's explain what happen so what the media heard is that there's a new hero which was me Gran Torino allowed it so I guess I was famous but I didn't are for the fame I told them that I care for the heroes and the quirkless were all equal and we can help each other but it's not over yet 

To be continue...

Izuku: hey guys I filling out for the creator of this book I hope you guys enjoyed and stay tuned for more I still have some stolid to do so next time on Dekuwing I looking and taking care of todoroki and Iida also we're gonna back to school so we're gonna do some training and people are gonna be surprise of what I learn at my internship anyway see you guys later and go beyond PLUS ULTRA!!

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