Chapter XXII - Is That Light I See?

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“You love her,” he spoke. It was not meant as a question, but rather a simply stated fact.

And it was without hesitation, Emri answered, “That I do.”

He sighed as he looked at her. A certain reverence in his gaze. His eyes were soft, yielding and it seemed he had a sad smile. “Love can be a powerful thing,” he began. “But it can also cloud our mind. Make us think irrationally, often in a way which we may never consider otherwise. So often love blinds us. We only see what’s in front of us, and not around us. Our decisions made can often be ignorant to the greater needs of others, ourselves, or even the one we love. Do you agree?”

No, Emri thought vehemently. Not for her at least, and not in their situation. Sure she believed such a scenario could occur, but not now, certainly not in this instance. “No, because with her love I feel I’m at my strongest. Everything is clearer, more focused, and I love in return. And nothing bad will ever come from that kind of love.”

“And she loves you?”

“Yes. I believe with all my soul she does.”

He nodded and took a quick breath, his shoulders lifting with the movement. His gaze flickered to various areas of the room and he conceded. “Very well.” He took at step back and went to turn. Emri’s mind raced; jumbled thoughts slamming together, unable to form a clear and coherent thought.

“Wait!” she called after him. “So, what—is she free?”

 Then the man, who once stood before her, retreated further back. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Santor stand, donned in new robes. Her heart sank. “We, the Council of Thrice, and with council from The Gods of Thrice, have seen and witnessed both your lives,” Santor spoke. His light yet commanding voice echoed in the large room. “How you both have grown, evolved, and flourished when the need arose. Therefore, we the Council, the Gods, and I, Santor Whiteborn, Demigod and High Councilor to the White, have come to a consensus to grant and restore Nora life once again in the Realms, and in doing so you both will retain your status as demigods. You both are given the right to choose which Realm you take residency in. And you Emri, your titles will be held for you in the Gray. And upon Anders’s request, you are offered his title as Master and Council Member. Do not take for granted these gifts so graciously bestowed upon you.”

She stood thunderstruck, her mouth agape, and breath sputtering from her mouth. She certainly had not expected that.

Santor went to take his seat and she called out. “Wait! I must see her, please! I must know that she’s all right!” she pleaded.

“She’s been with you the entire time,” Santor spoke. “Look behind you, Miss Dyer.”

Emri’s brows pinched together in confusion. With haste, and at breakneck speed, she turned her head and saw her beloved alive and seemly well. “Nora,” she whispered.

Nora smiled her lovely smile as tears fell to her cheeks. She seemed so happy and content in the moment. “I’ll see you soon, my love.”

“No … no! I won’t leave her! Not again!” Emri cried out. Santor approached and reached a hand out to her. She tried to resist, but felt herself unable to move, to flee. Her whole body grew still as his fore fingers touched to her temples. In a move much like the one he had performed all those years ago on his lover carrying his child, and, despite Emri’s frantic protests, he completed his arch, finally connecting his thumbs to her forehead.  


New light filled her eyes as she forced them open. However, she realized several things all at once. Firstly, she was no longer in the mysterious and luxurious room, nor was she surrounded by the elites of society. Secondly, her body thrummed with unimaginable pain. The pressure in her head caused bile to rise in her throat, and the retching motion resulted in a gut-wrenching scream. Gods, everything hurt, but she forced her mind through the pain and focused on her surroundings. That’s when she noticed the third thing: Nora was nowhere in sight; only Anders, Kael, and a woman—a healer from her appearance—occupied the small, cramped room.

The Realms of Thrice (Lesbian Fiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ