I have somthing to say

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Okay so I'm always looking at my notifications in case I have any comment or anything and I always see people adding this story to their 'reading list' thing but I rarely EVER see anyone adding the sequel to them?

I just want to know...are you guys like sleeping on the sequel or..???? Or can you not find it? Because if you can't find it on my profile then please, I beg of you, tell me because that way I can fix the problem.

Just an FYI just in case anyone is confused, THIS. STORY. IS. COMPLETED! There is no more chapters being updated on this story. If you see a part be uploaded it's 110% just an update on like life or something. The sequel, Real Life, is also it's own book entirely. I'm not saying you can just read Real Life before you read this one, because you can't. I'm saying that the chapters are not being uploaded on this story, they are in a separate book on my profile.

Okay, I hope that clears everything up and if not...well idk...I explained it as best as I possibly could. -🦉

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