Chap. 7

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Chapter. 7
'You didn't force me'

Private Message Between Logan And Echo

MopHead - So when are we gonna tell them?

Echo - I don't know😔

MopHead - Well we need to at some point Echo

Echo - I know we do I hate lying to them..

MopHead - I know you do and I don't like it either

Echo - I'm sorry I did this to you..

MopHead - It's not your fault Echo

Echo - But it is I'm the one who told you not to tell them

MopHead - And I agreed to not telling them, you didn't force me to do anything

Echo - But I'm the one who asked you not to

MopHead - That still doesn't change the fact I agreed to not telling them

Echo - I'm sorry..

MopHead - Echo really it's fine I don't mind it, I find it exhilarating actually

Echo - Okay, as long as your okay with it for now but if you don't want to any more just tell me, okay?

MopHead - Okay okay I will

Echo - I think I want to at least tell them face to face instead of over text I own them that much

MopHead - Okay that's fine, do you want me to be there?

Echo - Could you?

MopHead - Only if you want me too

Echo - I do want you there

MopHead - Okay then I will be

Echo - Thank you❤

MopHead - Of course❤


Ohhh what do you think they were talking about? Leave your guesses in the comments!

Also ya gurl got a new phone! Okay bye.

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