Chapter 9

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Stella's P.O.V 

It's been a week since my first official date with Kelly, and every day it feels like its getting more and more serious. I don't exactly know how to feel about that since well , you know severide dosen't have the best track record with dating women. So far almost everyone from 51 has warned me about dating severide, and the consequences that it may bring since we are dating in the fire house. There is something about him though that just makes my heart skip a beat,  after our date we went back to my place to watch the black hawks play and drink a couple of beers. It was one the most perfect nights I've had in a long time.  It felt like things were finally fall into place, being at the perfect fire house and just enjoying the company of Kelly made things ten times better.  Being with him makes me feel safe , something that I never felt with Grant. As I'm walking into the kitchen I Catch Cruz and Otis debating whether its good to have ketchup on a hotdog or not.  

"c'mon Otis , I thought we had this established , we live in Chicago our Hot Dogs are the best , they don't need any ketchup added on , its like an insult." I say in a jokingly manner.

"Right , that what I've been trying to tell him this entire time" cruz says backing me up in my argument. 

"I'm just saying , sometimes having ketchup on a hot dog isn't that bad , people do it all over the place , Chicago is like the only city that dosnet do that" Otis says making a valid point. 

"the Hot Dogs are good ketchup or no ketchup at all" we hear Mouch say from the couch. Half Man half couch there couldn't be a better combination than that. 

"so , how's everything with severide" I hear gabby say approaching me with Brett , and all of the sudden I see everyone in the room turn around to face me.  I turn bright red like a tomato 

"c'mon guys , there's nothing going on between severide and I , things are just super professional". I say trying to sound as realistic as possible. 

"yeah right , like were gonna believe that one" Otis scoffed  

"believe what?" asked severide coming into the kitchen aware that there's  an awkward situation happening. 

"nothing, there's nothing to believe , because there is nothing going on" I say 

Wait , what exactly do I have going on with severide , are we dating? I mean we went out on a date a week ago , and well , It was an amazing night.  I thought to myself.  I sit down with the coffee mug in my hands , the coffee still hot , warming my hands from the immense cold that has been going around here in Chicago. 

All of the sudden my thoughts are interrupted when I hear my phone go off. its a text message from Kelly.

Kelly: come to my office , there's something really important we have to talk about. 

As soon as I read the text message I immediately go walk over to his office , Im wondering if he was thinking the same thing as I was. 

"hey , everything okay" I say concerned from reading his text message 

"yeah , everything okay, why wouldn't it be okay , we're in the same room" Kelly said with a smile, the ones that make my mouth miss interpret what my Brian is trying to tell me. 

"What's the important thing you have to talk to me about? " I say trying to act as if the last thing he said to me didn't make my heart burst with butterflies.

"okay , close you eyes" He said , and I quickly do as I'm told 

The next thing I feel is his lips on mine , his lips touching mine ever so softly. Its one of those slow deep kisses with little action, but with so much love and meaning behind it. I kiss back with the same gestures, he grabs my waist and I put one hand on his cheek , and the other one on his chest.  I feel his heart beat in my palm , and I now know , that I'm not the only one with a fast heart beat in this room. 

Stellaride - Burning Fire (A Chicago Fire Fan Fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant