Chapter 8

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Kellys P.O.V 

I'm still pissed off of at Casey,  how dare he think that I will hurt Stella. I mean I know I have a bad reputation with women, but Stella is special to me. I really like her a lot.  It scares me because I've never felt this way about anyone in my entire life. I'm terrified of love , but she changes everything.  She makes me want to keep on trying , and keep on being a better person. I look at my watch and see that its 6:00 , I have to start getting ready so I can pick Stella up in an hour. I shower and start thinking about what to talk about,  there are so many things we have to catch up on. SO many things have changed in our lives, but I want to put all our past behind us, so we can start fresh and have an honest relationship. Wait ? do I actually want to have a relationship. I'm terrified on commitment because i'm a severide ,if benny tough me one thing in life, its that severides' are horrible with commitment. But Stella , she makes me want to change in that area. She makes me want to try. Ever since shay died , I've always felt so lonely , like I had no one to talk to. which is why I would always sleep around with all the women. A year and a half ago when I met Stella she somehow made some of the pain go away.  She gave me some sense of hope, which was why I confessed my feelings for her in her apartment. Thats why my heart was broken when I saw that she was married, and now here I am getting ready to go on a date with her. It feels so unreal.  I make sure to put on a nice pair of black Jeans , a nice black dress shirt , and a coat since Chicago is pretty cold right now.  I'm driving to her apartment and I start to have flashbacks of the night I confessed my feelings for her.  Ive never done that with anyone before , she was the first person. I start to giggle to myself and  see that its time I go in.  I knock on her door and see her wearing a beautiful black dress, my jaw drops in awe, WOW this woman is really beautiful, she's going to be the end of me.  

Stella's P.o.v

I see kelly look up and down with jaw open. As if he's stunned.  "you should close your mouth there severide , a fly might go in a said with a wink , trying to act cool when in reality my stomach is full of butterflies , i'm as nervous as he is. I really really like him a lot, I fee safe whenever i'm around him , something that grant never managed to do. I know that whenever i'm with Kelly , im going to be safe; im just hoping that I don't get used to this feeling , because I know for a fact that Kelly has been with so many women and I might just be another one of his flings that he has with most of the women in his life. But boy does he make my heart pound like no one has ever done.  "so , where are we gonna go" I asked not trying to sound too excited, it has been AGES since I've gone on a date, years even grant was never the type to do that. I really gotta stop bringing him up in my mind , all i'm trying to do is enjoy this night out with Kelly and see where the night takes us. 

"I thought we'd eat dinner at Gibson's stake house , and just enjoy a nice walk along the city"  he said with a light smile, a light smile that is enough to make me smile back at him.  When we arrive at the restaurant I make sure to look at the menu and see if there's something that catches my attention. Its really beautiful , I honestly think I've ever been to a restaurant this nice.  The waiter comes and takes our order in a heart beat and I feel as if the time is slowing down. 

"This would've been a nice gesture , ya know instead of sneaking into someones house at almost midnight" I say with a smile letting him know that I was saying as a joke and not to offend him. He laughs back

"You know, I was just thinking about that when I was outside your apartment, Ive go to say thats one of the most embarrassing things I've ever done in. my entire life , and I've done some pretty embarrassing things" he says with a laugh 

"but honestly , I apologize , I was in a really dark place at that time , my best friend had died a couple of months prior to that , and I was just a mess." he said and my heart sank because I knew exactly who he was talking about because Dawson was a complete mess at the same exact time 

"hey, don't ever be sorry for that night , it lead us to where we are now and we would never have a hilarious story to tell" I said with a smile letting him know that he has my complete support no matter what happens. 

"I guess I never thought about it that way" he said with an honest smile. Were looking at each other for a while just smiling , and I could see him sliding his hand across the table wanting to meet mine, and when it does my heart melts in awe, as if my hand was cold and his touch warmed my hand immediately. We stay like that for what feels seconds when the waiter comes back with our orders.

We stay eating and talking for the next hour , and we laugh and talk about our toughest fires we've had to battle in our entire careers. By the time it hits 8:30 were heading our of Gibson's stake house , and onto the streets of Chicago.  Its a chilly evening and the city is filled with young couples holding hands. Seconds later, its as if Kelly read my mind , because he pulls me close and puts his hand on mine. He looks at me and smiles , and I squeeze his hand to let him know that I wanted to hold his Hand.

Kelly's P.O.V 

Holding her hand makes me feel like I've never held anyones hand before , it feels like the first time , it feels so pure and so destined to be.  

"Hey , do you want some Hot Coco , theres a stand right there right at the corner" she asks me  

"Hot Coco sounds perfect right now" I reply. As soon as she's done paying for our coco we grab it and continue to walk until we find an empty bench overlooking the river of Chicago. The city looks beautiful , but nothing compare to her beauty when the moonlight us hitting her beautiful face

"so when did you decide  you wanted to move the city of Chicago out of all the places ?" I said asking the question this time

"well, when my parents passed away, i decided I needed to leave Milwaukee and start all over again, you know move to a different city , and just start all over again. As soon as  I came to Chicago I knew that it was a perfect match , this is my home , and I love it here honestly  , I wouldn't have it any other way" she answered honestly and when she does, she looks into my eyes. 

I'm looking  at her with the same look , our hands still holding each other , And this moment feels like if its meant to be, were both leaning in , when our lips touch , it feels like magic. It feels so pure and full of love. The taste of Lipstick and hot chocolate makes a combination my lips have never felt . Kissing her feels like a touch of electricity running through my veins wanting a  desire for more. I'm falling for her, i'm falling for her really hard.  

Stellaride - Burning Fire (A Chicago Fire Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora