Chapter 15

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I don't know if they mentioned the names of Molly's brothers in the show, so I'm going to make up my own names for now until I know for sure.


Who knows when Irene left my house. After her revelation, I just stood there, unable to comprehend what she had told me. I must have spaced out, and when I came back down to Earth she was gone.

First I was skeptical, but then it all started to fall together.

I remember now, Mary murmuring that one day at lunch that Sherlock was interested in me. Is she on this too?

And then there'd the rest of it, how Sherlock even told me at Irene's party about how he's working on a case, that it's about me.

And then there's our little trip to her house. Mycroft already seemed to know me, even though Sherlock didn't tell me about him. And what did Mycroft say? Something along the lines of 'that girl's brother'?

My brother? How do my brothers fit in this? I have 3, two in college and one that already graduated. So if one of them are involved in it, which one of my brothers?

Could it be Michael? No it couldn't be, Michael is the baby brother, he wouldn't do anything suspicious.

I'm not so sure about Maxwell; he's had a couple of things going on in the past, but since he's in college with Michael, Michael can keep and eye out for him.

But Malcolm on the other hand, used to do drugs in his first year of college. However, when he graduated, he was clean. 

But Sherlock...the first day I met him, said to me,

"I'm sorry about your brother's relapse."

Could it be? That Sherlock only befriended me because he knows something about my brother doing drugs? Yet he was done for good! Rehab did a number on him! And I would know if my oldest brother was back on, wouldn't I?

Malcolm, Maxwell, Michael, and Molly. We used to be inseparable in our younger ages, and I still remember the times that they would defend me against the other boys in our old neighborhood when we played with them.

But those days are gone. I can't bring them back, and we aren't as close as we used to be. They rarely come home anymore.

Michael and Maxwell both have dorms up at the university, but Michael always has an excuse to not come home. 

There's only one person that I can confront about this right now:


A tear escaped my eye. Did he only get close to me--for his case? Does he even have a case? Maybe he's just playing me.

I needed to talk to him.

* * * * *

After dropping my lunch tray on out usual table, I impatiently started to tap my foot as I sat. 

I made sure to get to the table as fast as I can. Here, I can meet with Sherlock, and speak to him about this.

My courage started to deflate. I couldn't do this, I can't confront the man I lo-

"Hello Molly!" Exclaimed Mary.

I looked up to be met with my best friend, and my heart clenched. She was on this too, don't believe her fake facade, Molly.

Behind her was John, and Sherlock.

I stood up, ignoring her, my eyes trained on Sherlock.

"Molly?" Asked Mary, concerned. Or should I say fake concern?

I made eye contact with her, "I'll deal with you later."


I pushed her and John out of the way, and stalked to Sherlock. He wasn't even looking at me, he was looking down at his phone, texting.

Maybe he was texting Irene. That made me even more angry. 

Without even looking up, he said, "Yes, Molly?"

Oh God, the way he said my name makes this ten times harder.

When I didn't reply, he looked up, and a look of surprise and concern flashed on his face when he saw a tear slip.

"Molly what's-"

"Tell me that she was lying." I whispered.


"Tell me that Irene was lying about using me for a case."

He went silent, disbelief in his eyes. "Molly, let me explain-"

"So she was right then? You've been using me? Playing with my feelings?"

With his silence, Sherlock confirmed what I assumed was true. Now, more tears were spilling down my cheeks. Everyone in the cafeteria was watching the exchange.

"Molly, how did you know?" Asked Mary.

I turned to her, pointing my finger at her, "And you! You knew, but didn't tell me! Was our friendship a lie too? Are you toying with my feelings?"

Mary opened her mouth, but I put a hand up, "Don't even bother, I'm out of here."

When I turned around, Sherlock was in my way. "Molly, Mary has nothing to do with this you need to calm down and let us explain."

"You don't deserve an explanation!" My voice was getting higher, I was practically screaming, "What have I ever done to you?" I asked, much more soft and vulnerable this time. "Please tell me what I've done to deserve this."

Sherlock looked at me, no emotion going through his eyes. 

"And to think," I said, looking down and laughing sadly to myself, "I actually loved you."

And with that, I ran out of the cafeteria.



This chapter almost made me cry :( More answers to come next chapter!

I started school so it'll be harder to write, but I promise that I'll try my best!

Soooooo what'd you think on this chapter? She finally admits it huh?

OKAYYYY please vote and comment by letting me know about how you felt for this chapter.

Do you think that Sherlock is heartless?

What about Mary, what does she have to do with it all?

Was it fair that Molly didn't let Sherlock explain himself?

How do you feel for Molly right now? I feel so bad for her!

Konfoz xx

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