Chapter 10

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You're gonna hate this chapter.

You were warned.

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"M-me?" I asked, confused.

"Enough of that," he said, straightening up, "Let me take you home."

"B-but I want to know about the case-"

"Oh, that silly thing. Let's just forget I mentioned it." He said, his voice louder while he took my arm to pull me to his car.

I stumbled after him, his touch warm against my cold arm. The wind hit my face. To get to the driveway where all the cars are parked, we need to go through the front door. As Sherlock pulled me through, I met the eyes of Irene. They were narrowed, annoyed that her plan backfired.

Being brave, I gave her a wicked smile. Her face fell in anger.

My eyes swept through the crowd. I need to find Mary. She was my ride, can't I need to tell her the change of plans.

As if reading my mind, Sherlock said over the music, "Under the staircase."

Confused, I looked there to see Mary making out with John. My eyes widened.

We made it outside without being mulled by other guests. More were coming through the door, and I checked my phone. The time read 9:56. Who comes to a party at almost ten?

Then I realized who left a party at almost ten.

Sherlock lead me to a black Mercedes a couple houses down. I sat shotgun, and Sherlock climbed in. It was silent as he pulled out.

I didn't know what to say. It's awkward, and I can't open up conversation well. Maybe I should ask to turn on the radio? Or ask something about the car?

"I like your car."

"It's John's." Replied Sherlock.

" just took his car?"


I didn't say anything else on that subject. The air went to awkward again.

"You know, a lot of people seem scared of you."

I didn't mean to say it, but he tensed as soon as the words left my mouth.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say anything-"

"They're scared of me because I deduce them."

"Like deduction and induction type stuff?"

"This isn't math, but yes. That's know I knew about your dad's drinking problem and your brother's relapse."

"Do you--read everyone?" I asked timidly.

"Mostly. Can't go deducing a person's life without being called names."

"People make fun of you?" I said, shocked.

"Arsehole, jerk,"

At that last one I snapped my mouth shut. Monster? People call him a monster?

I realized that we had already arrived at my house. Sherlock killed the engine and laid back, his eyes closed.

Before I left I wanted to get a point across, "You know Sherlock, I don't think you're a monster."

His eyes snapped to me. "Of course I am. I won't even try to deny it, it's inevitable." He said, getting wound up every word.

"Sherlock, you saved me today. You talked to me when I ran out-"

"It was my fault in the first place."

"Sherlock. The point is that you shouldn't take what other people say to heart. I'm probably the last person to be telling you that, but Sherlock what you did for me today, showed that you have a heart. And Sherlock to me you're the furthest thing to a monster."

It went dead silent after that. I couldn't hear anyone breathe. I was afraid to even move. Sherlock's eyes were still locked onto mine, like a rod reeling me in. I couldn't look away.

After a minute more of silence, Sherlock opened the door and shut it behind him. I did the same after a couple seconds of confusion.

He waited for me to get out. He walked me to my front door. The lights were off in the house, but the lights outside were on. It hit Sherlock's face at different angles, casting sharp shadows over his face.

He turned to me, and gave me a small smile. Slowly, he leaned in and kissed me.

It was a quick kiss, but it was long enough to feel his lips move against mine. I was shocked, and couldn't move.

He pulled away to early, and whispered, "Thank you, Molly Hooper."

Then, he got in the car and drove away.

Still in a daze, I just sort of stood there for who knows how long.

I then realized that I never told Sherlock where I live.

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If I said that you guys would like this chapter, you would know what happens. BUT I SET YOU UP FOR THE KISS VOTE FOR SHERLOLLY <3

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