Chapter 4: Agonizing Incident

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~Joe Erson~
Time: February 7, 9:50 PM
Place: OnePrime hotel, Gents Bathroom

I kept on staring at the mirror, looking at myself through it. No matter how much I look at myself, the suit I was wearing feels odd and weird. I loosened my tie and opened the water tab to wash my face and refresh myself. Then I continued staring at the mirror, and with that, continued my thoughts.

I didn't get the chance to talk or even see Mr. Prime while that guy named Nathen was constantly talking and following me. Seriously though, doesn't he know when to stop.

I went out of the bathroom and made sure that Nathen wasn't there. I didn't want to spend another hour with him. And if it had continued like that, I might have as well rage on him like an erupting volcano.

I have myself a moment to appreciate the area. The Shimmering chandelier was a sight that was worth appreciating. This part of the hotel was less crowded. Less chattering and more peaceful. This was truly a place to calm down from all the talking. Most people who were here were here either to use the bathroom or to have their own moments.

"I bet Ami would think we were in a fairytale in a place like this." I thought as I acknowledged the place. "Maybe I would be the great knight that exposes the great thief of magic or something in her story" I chucked a little. "And she will be my apprentice. We would solve all the magical cases together and be known by all the villagers!!" I fantasize in a way Ami would. It's funny how the mind of a child can be interesting and entertaining.

Then I heard a deep but trembling voice across the room, pulling me back to reality. "Julie, wait!" said a distressed man, who was constantly pressing the elevator button, was the source of the sound. I got closer to confirm who he was.

Walter Prime! It was him. But why was he in a rush? "Darn these elevators! Why won't at least one open up?!" Right then one opened, and Prime, without any hesitation, rushed in. I tried calling him, but the door closed before I could get his attention, as I was by the other side of the area.

Soon after, the other door opened, and a young lady with a moonlight rose on her pitch black hair entered. I rushed to go along with her, but the door closed before I could get there. I was ignored twice... What a bummer!

I pressed the button, but there was no respond... at all! I wait for about a minute, which should be enough to drop off anyone and come back, but it didn't. Both elevators were stuck at floor 9.

With my lost patient, I hit the staircase as fast as I could. What ever was happening, it wasn't going to end well. Prime wanted to talk to me, and now he seemed desperate and distressed. Did he need my help?

As I reached the 6th floor, I heard ear-piercing screams come from the ground floor. People were screaming and yelling in fear.

I entered one of the rooms and went out to the balcony. People were pointing upward and yelling, "She's going to jump!" "Please don't do it!!" "No, don't!!"

I checked up, and right there, I understood the terror the guess were expressing. A red-haired girl was standing at the edge of the balcony of the 9th floor. "I'm gonna jump! I will..." she said it an anxious tone. Tears were flowing like a river.

I know her. She is the daughter of Prime.

She took a look behind her, "Oh please! Stop!" she begged. "Please! Why are you doing this?" she asked while gasping. She was talking to someone behind her.

I headed back to the stairs to reach the 9th floor. No matter how fast I ran, it seemed like forever to reach to the destination. I could here footsteps of other people coming from the lower floors. As I reached the 7th floor, a high pitch and painful screen echoed from the higher floor.

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