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We're sitting court side at this game. Aren't these seats reserved for people like Beyoncé and Jay-Z? Like no offense to Jack, but he's no Queen B.

When you sit court side, you get anything and everything you want. You want popcorn? You got it. You want a beer? You got it. You want a foot massage? You could probably get it.

Jack is clearly much more into this game then me and you can tell. During half time, I was on my phone looking at Instagram. People were tagging Jack and me in pictures from the game. Ok Jack's hand on my leg...super cute...but my face looking more bored than ever...not super cute. There were a couple really cute ones. Like ones of us talking, or his whispering in my ear...(sweet nothings of course...jk) and us standing up talking to some people. I kind of wanted those pictures, so I DMed some of the people that were posting them and asked them to send them to me.

Of course they were way too overly excited to be getting a DM from me, but they sent me the pics. They also started spamming me with questions of whether or not we were dating. I thought it was obvious. We had both made Instagram posts about it, but I guess since neither of us came right out and confirmed it, it still wasn't confirmed. Well I can tell ya...I wasn't about to be the one to confirm it, so I didn't answer.

When we got back to Jack's after the game, we went right to bed. It was like 1130 and all I wanted to do was cuddle. Well Jack had other plans. His friends were over and they were playing fortnite...

I went upstairs, got undressed, and into something to go to bed in...kind of. Jack is always playing fortnite and I'm bored of it. I decided to take some risqué photos and send them to him on Snapchat. 5 minutes later, I hear footsteps running up the stairs.

Jack comes barging into the room taking his shirt off before slamming the door shut.

"You can't be doing that Annie. What if someone saw those." He said as he started unbuckling his belt.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he was now unbuttoning his pants and sliding them off his body.

"You." Ew gross. I can't believe he's so cliche. But with that, his underwear came off as well.

Wow. That was fantastic. Let me tell you. Sex with Jack is exactly what you'd expect and imagine it to be. Great. Hot. Sexy.

"You can go back down and play fortnite now...thanks" I said as I winked and walked into the bathroom.

"Am I just a piece of meat to you?" He said as he threw some sweatpants on. There's something about him, any man really, with just sweatpants on. No underwear, no shirt. God damn.

I crawled into bed, turned the tv on, and rolled over to go to bed. My phone buzzed so I rolled back over to look at it. It was a text from Ashley.

From: Ash
"I'm coming to LA tomorrow bitch!!!"

To: Ash
"For what?"

From: Ash
"I've never been. NYC is cold, and I'm bored. Can I stay with you?"

To: Ash
"That's usually something you ask before you book a flight ash!"

From: Ash

I had no right to tell her she could stay here. This isn't my house. I had to ask the guys. I mean it's Ashley. She's single...if Johnson or Sammy play their cards right....well....ya know.

To: Jack
"Ashley wants to come to LA. Can she stay here?"

From: Jack

To: Jack
"....tomorrow 😃"

From: Jack

To: Jack
"She just texted me and told me. She asked if she could stay here. I can tell her no. "

From: Jack
"I mean, its fine, but we have your grandmas party on Saturday and we're flying in on Friday..."

To: Jack
"Shit. You're right"

From: Jack
"Tell her to come. It's fine. She can either stay while we go, or come back with us."

This is great. I will finally have someone to hangout with and go places with. Jack has a bit of promo going on right now so I've been sitting at the house by myself a lot the past couple of days. I could've gone out, but I'm not trying to venture out alone in this city. Not quite yet.

Jack rented me a car for the time that I was here because he's always driving and doesn't want me to be car less. Totally not needed, I could've rented my own car, but totally appreciated it. He didn't skimp out either. I mean...it's not Range Rover, but it's a Jeep which is like the drugstore version of the Range Rover. He probably got a good deal from the dealership since he drives a Jeep.

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