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"I was trying to fall asleep on the plane, and when I opened my eyes, I saw you were texting her." I finally admitted. "Have you been hanging out with her?"

"No. We text sometimes, but we don't hang out."

"Are you lying?" I asked sternly.

Jack cleared his throat, "No. I'm telling you the truth."

I grabbed my bags and started to walk towards the house. "Well that's not what I've heard."

"Annie, wait. What do you mean? Do you not believe me?" he came running.

"I've just heard that she's been hanging out here recently. I still have feelings for you Jack, and I know we said we didn't want relationships, but I didn't think you would still be talking to your ex-girlfriend that did some fucked up shit to you, let alone hanging out with her."

"We dated for 3 years. Yeah our relationship wasn't the best, but I loved her, and you don't just get over someone like that, quickly. It's hard for me to avoid her. We're in the same industry. We're performing for the same concert series."

Shit...that means she's going to be on tour with him all summer. "I give up." I told him.

"Give up on what? On me? On the potential of us?" he asked me.


"Don't do that Annie. Don't play the victim here. You also said you didn't want a relationship, so you have no right being mad at me for something like this."

"How would you feel if I started talking to my ex-boyfriend. And hanging out with my ex-boyfriend, when I just admitted that I liked you a lot? You probably wouldn't be too happy. I thought we would hang out...exclusively." I asked.

Why are we constantly fighting? I feel like every time we see each other, it ends up in a fight? How toxic is this non relationship that we're in?

"I guess I'd be pissed." he replied.

"Exactly." I said walking inside.

Jack walked me up to the guest room where I plan to sleep. Mark my words...I will not be sleeping in Jack Gilinsky's bed while I am here.

"Make yourself at home. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen. If you're going to use the pool you have to take the lock off the top of the back door and let me know you're going so I can join." he said, followed by a wink. He always knew how to make me smile after a fight. That pissed me off.

"I'm going to take a shower and then I'm going to bed." I said walking into the bathroom.

"Ok, I'm coming." he said. But before he could come into the bathroom, I shut and locked the door. He thought he could get it in...well think again pretty boy.

I got out of the shower, got into my pajamas, and climbed into bed. It was quite a comfortable bed for a guest room...especially a a house owned by two young guys. I didn't even bother doing my normal night scroll through social media. I closed my eyes, and passed right out.

I was woken up by a knock on my door. It opened, showing a shirtless, tired looking Jack standing in the doorway.

"Annie?" he said, opening the door a little more.

"Jack?" I replied not even moving an inch.

"Can I talk to you?" he said coming into the room.

I rolled over and looked at my phone.

"Jack, it is 4:00 in the morning. What is wrong with you."

"My grandma always told me. Never go to bed angry." he said.

"That's for married couples you moron. Go away." I said back snarky.

"Who cares. I can't fall asleep if you're mad at me." he said, moving the covers over and sitting on my bed. Keep in mind, I am still laying face down on my bed.

"I'm not mad at you Jack." I said, sitting up. "I'm disappointed. I thought I was going to come here and be able to spend some time with you, and go to your shows, and just hang. Then I get here and find out you could possibly have other plans."

"I told Madison that I didn't want to see her anymore. I told her that if we are broken up, then we need to cut all forms of communication."

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"Cause it wasn't fair to you. I don't want to ruin what we have, or what we could have on something so stupid. She has a boyfriend already. I don't need that kind of energy in my life."

"You did that for me?" I asked, smirking.

"Of course." he said as he leaned in and kissed me. "Can I stay in here for the night?" he asked once our kiss broke.

"Sure." I said, rolling back over. Well....I didn't sleep in HIS room so technically I am still good on my word.

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