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Jack texted me throughout my whole trip, but I ignored all of them. I wanted to pretend like what happened, didn't happen. I wanted him to forget about me, and I wanted to forget about him.

Was I now just another girl to hook up with a celebrity while they were on the road? I don't think so. If you saw the text messages I got from Jack, you wouldn't think so either.

The days went on, and I kept getting text messages. Most of them along the lines; "Annie, please talk to me."

As months started to go by, I got less and less messages. Finally I thought. Or at least...thats what I wanted to think. My birthday was coming up. June 29th. My parents had planned to fly me out to Las Vegas for my 21st birthday. They were also flying out Joey and Ashley (my best girl friend...you'll meet her later). My cousin lives in Vegas, so I knew we were about to have a great time.

It was June 28th, and we were getting ready to head to the airport to go to Vegas. Joey and Ashley had just gotten to my apartment and were yelling at me to get ready.

"Annie lets go...we're going to be FRICKEN late." Joey yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Come get my suitcase sweetie." I said sarcastically. He hated it when I called him sweetie.

"Guy and girls, the car is downstairs. Let's go." my dad said as I walked through the living room.

It was a 35 minute ride to JFK, but possibly longer. You ever know with NYC traffic.

"Annie. You're going to want to see this. Or listen to this I guess." Joey said holding his phone up to my ear.

"What is it?" I asked.

I listened to what sounded like a personal fight between a girl and her boyfriend...ex boyfriend...I couldn't tell. All I know is that the guy called her a fucking slut multiple times. And...tbh...she sounded annoying.

"Do you know who that was?" Joey asked me.

"No? Do you?" I replied.

"That was Jack Gilinsky and his ex girlfriend Madison." he said.

I don't know that guy on the audio.  Jack would never talk that way to a girl. I never wanted to know that guy. I didn't really care. I put my headphones in and tried to fall asleep.

From: Jack
"Hey can we talk?"

This time I answered.

To: Jack
"Hey, yeah what's up?"

From: Jack
"Did you hear it? Be honest."

To: Jack
"Yeah I did. What was that all about?"

From: Jack
"Madison and I were at a party in LA when she got a hold of my phone. She saw all of my texts to you, freaked out, and recorded it making me sound like an asshole."

To: Jack
"Why did you call her a slut repeatedly then?"

From: Jack
"She's not innocent. I found out about some shady shit she's been doing behind my back while I was away. She won't admit to them, but I know they're true."

To: Jack
"So did you guys break up?"

I was kind of hoping he was going to say yes. But a part of me wanted him to say no because I didn't want to think of myself as the rebound girl.

From: Jack
"Yeah. That audio clip was from January, right after I met you. I broke up with her at the beginning of the month, so I am guessing she posted it as retaliation, and to ruin my reputation."

To: Jack
"So what are you going to do?"

From: Jack
"I don't know. Thanks for letting me vent and explain myself. I didn't want you thinking I was somebody that I am not. I was in a dark place when that happened, I had a lot of shit going through my mind, and I know that I shouldn't have said what I said, but I did, and I can't take it back. I just want to move on."

From: Jack
"Are you doing anything fun for your birthday?"

To: Jack
"Yeah, we're going to Vegas."

From: Jack
"Sounds like a blast. Have fun! Don't drink too much!!"

I felt bad for Jack. His whole life is being shitted on all over the internet right now. He texted me for help, but I guess I wasn't that helpful.

Without even thinking about it, I texted him...

To: Jack
"You should come."

From: Jack
"No that's ok. I don't want to step in on your fun birthday plans."

To: Jack
"You wont be. Come! It will be fun! I got to go...we're getting on the plane now."

What did I just do?

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