Changing Channels

Start from the beginning

Time Skip 

Sam is a car. and It's NOT a trickster... Sam and Dean think its an Angel. He got the drop on cas and got really pissed off when Dean brought up Michael and lucifer. I hope they're right. I want to see more of my brothers and sisters. We set the trap. We laid the holy oil out and were ready.  "ALRIGHT YOU SON OF A BITCH... UNCLE! WE'LL DO IT" The trickster appeared . "Woah sam look at the rims on you... alright boys ready to quietly?" He smirked "woah woah woah not so fast... no one's goin' anywhere till sam has opposable thumbs." Dean said. "What's the difference satan's gonna ride his ass one way or another." The trickster rolled his eyes then snapped his fingers and Sam climbed out of the car. 

"Tell me one thing... Why didn't the steak kill you?" Dean asked. "I am the trickster" He smiled. "Or maybe your not" dean said While sam got out a lighter. Sam dropped it and holy fire erupted around the trickster. "Maybe you've always been an angel.." the trickster started to laugh, "A WHAT??? SOMEONE SLIP A MICKEY IN YOUR POWER SHAKE KID???" the trickster scoffed. "Tell you what... you just jump outta the holy fire and we'll call it our mistake." Dean said. The trickster scoffed. and shook his head. Then his face went deadly serious. The scenery faded and we were back at the old mill. The trickster...No the angel clapped mockingly. "Well played boys...Well played. Where'd you get the Holy oil?" He asked. Both sam and Dean looked at me and I waved. I poofed it up. "Where'd  I screw up?" He asked. "You didn't nobody gets the drop on cas like you did... but mostly it was how you talked about armageddon... call it personal experience but no one gets that angry unless they're talking about family" Dean said. "So which one are you grumpy, sneezy, or douchy?" Sam asked. I smacked his arm. There was a long pause, "Gabriel okay... they call me Gabriel." He said. My heart stopped. I couldn't breath. This was my baby Gabe? Oh no... tears welled up in my eyes. "Gabriel?" I whispered. "As in the archangel?" Sam asked. "Guilty" He responded. Dean looked at me worried but I kept my eyes on Gabe. "Okay Gabriel How does an archangel become a trickster?" Dean asked. "My own private witness protection. Skipped outta heaven. Had a face transplant. Carved out my own little corner of the world. Until you two screwed it all up" Gabriel said. He ran? "What did daddy say when you ran off and joined the pagan's" "Daddy doesn't say anything about anything." Gabriel said. I knew him well enough to hear the sadness in his voice.  "What happened? Why did you ditch?" Sam asked. "Can you blame him his brother's are heavy weight douche nozzles." Dean said. "Shut your cake hole..." Both Gabriel and I said at the same time. He looked at me surprised but I fixed my eyes on the ground. "You don't know anything about my family. I loved my father...brothers... loved them. But watching them turn on each other...tear at each other's throats... I couldn't bear anymore, not after......." His face grew sad. "So I left... and now its happening all over again. IT CAN'T BE STOPPED. I JUST WANT IT TO BE OVER... I have to sit back and watch my brothers kill each other thanks to you two....Heaven Hell I don't care who wins... I just want it to be over... You don't know my Family. What you call the apocalypse I use to call sunday dinner. That's why there's no stopping this... because this isn't about a war. It's about two brothers that love each other, betrayed each other, and blame each other. You think you'd be able to relate!" Gabriel ranted. "What do you mean?" Dean asked. "Wow you sorry sons of bitches. Why do you think you two are the vessels? Think about it! Michael the big brother loyal to an absent father and Lucifer the little brother, rebellious of daddy's plan. You were made for this boys. IT'S YOUR DESTINY! IT WAS ALWAYS YOU! As it is in Heaven so shall it be on earth... One brother must kill the other... from the moment dad flipped on the lights around here it was always going to end with you. Always..." Gabriel finished. "No that's not gonna happen." Dean announced. "I'm sorry... but it is. That's just how its gotta be."

"So boys now what? we gonna sit here and stare at each other for the rest of eternity?" Gabriel asked. "Dean, Sam go back to the car... I'll be out in a few minutes. I need to speak alone with Gabriel." I said. Tears once again welling up in my eyes. They did as I asked and left.  "What ya wanna talk about sweet-cheeks?" Gabriel smiled at me. "You always were the baby of the family... I remember one summer I convinced Father to create sugar so that I could surprise you with it. It was the same day Lucifer taught you how to fly. I was always so proud of you." Gabriel looked confused. "who are you?" Gabriel asked. "Why? why did you abandon our family? Why didn't you try to stop it? They would have listened to you Gabe!" I cried. Tears flowed down my face. "WHAT IS YOUR NAME?" Gabriel shouted. Tears now filling his eyes. "You know my name... I raised you. I named you. I taught you tricks so the older archangels couldn't pick on you. I played with you... you were my baby Gabe... You watched Michael put a lance through my chest. You watched me fall....You know my name Gabriel. I'm your sister." I cried and fell on my hands and knees. This broke my heart more than anything I had seen so far. My perfect baby Gabe... broken. He dropped to his knees to make eye contact. He inched as close to the Holy fire as he could. "....Eden?" He sobbed. Tears ran down his face. I snapped my fingers and the holy fire went out. Not missing a beat Gabriel ran to me. He held me closer than I thought possible. His body shook with sobs. He mumbled over and over again "Where were you" and "Please don't leave me again. "I'm so sorry Brother... This is all my fault. But I swear to you my sweet baby Gabe. I. Will. Fix. This." the last time I made that promise was to Lucifer on the day of the fall. I intend to keep it this time around... first things first. I need to see Michael....

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