Chapter 22

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Ko's Third Person P.O.V.

I need to get his trust back.

Was the first thought that crossed the albino's mind when he first awoke.

Mikan had left per his request since he said that it was best for her to leave, but he was sure that she would come back in the future to ask for Hajime's forgiveness.

He was always getting hurt these days, getting stabbed, cut, bruised, and mentally scarred.

All for some random boy he had to protect. It was actually pretty funny if you think about it.

A faint smile appeared on his face.

The sudden smell of waffles made the albino drool from the corners of his mouth.

It smelled so heavenly.

A brown-haired boy appeared from the doorway of the kitchen holding a tray full of the heavenly waffles he had smelled before, and a glass of orange juice.

"Hinata-kun? Why are you up from your bed so soon? You're still injured!" The albino panicked, trying to lift his legs over the side of his bed.

He soon regretted it when the pain in his abdomen stopped him.

"Says the one who stabbed himself in the stomach. Geez. Relax for once would you? It's time that I took care of you. You're the one who should rest. I've got plenty already. I don't want to sit in a bed all day and do nothing." He sighed in annoyance.


"No buts."

"I was just going to ask you how you knew how to cook....." He mumbled.

"Oh, uh, sorry."

The brunet placed the plate of waffles on Ko's lap. It's delicious aroma tempted Ko's hunger pangs.

"You gotta learn how to cook and fend for yourself when you're the only one in your dorm," Hajime said.

Ko was shoveling waffles into his mouth by the time Hajime completed his sentence.

"How come you don't need to attend school?" Ko asked, downing the orange juice.

Hajime didn't respond. Ko had hit a touchy subject.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to pry." The albino apologized.

"No, no. It's fine. I'll tell you." Hajime sighed. "One day I saw Mikan getting bullied by Hiyoko and her friend, this guy in a dark hoodie. They were shouting rude things at her and shoving her to the ground. So I stepped in at an attempt to stop them. But as you know, the talented are separated from the normal students, and so the talented were more superior."

"They mocked me and taunted me with insults at my talentless state, and continued to push Mikan around. So I snapped and punched the guy in the hoodie. And then I got suspended." Hajime finished.

"Just so you know, I don't regret anything. The principal suspended me for three full months, and that was the day before you came out of that dang book." He glanced at Ko.

Pity welled up inside Ko.

"It doesn't matter if you have talent or not, you just have to be you," Ko encouraged.
"You sound like Chiaki."

An uncomfortable awkward silence draped over the conversation.

Hajime coughed once, breaking the tension.

"Well," He cleared his throat, "We're short on some supplies, so why don't we go shopping?" He changed the topic.

"Sure. No problem."

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