"Come on, let's get out of here" the man decided, and took Angelina on his arms the way he had taken John earlier. She immediately fell on his lap, as he started to walk. Her weight was nothing to him.

Jacob never showed his emotions. He was a master in hiding them inside. The same had happened this time. His worry, and anger was extremely huge. These people were responsible for the horrible condition of his family. It was obvious that they will pay for this.

After a while, he was outside with almost unconscious Angelina. The sun hit her eyes, what made her open them a little. A few meters away from her was Joseph. She was not sure, because she only saw the outlines of his posture, and it was in the blurry image. However, after hearing his broken voice saying "Give me her, please" her hesitation immediately disappeared.

She felt like she is handed from one man to another. Joseph layed her down on the ground, and kneeled beside her, still having her in his arms. Then, she coughed twice letting some blood out. After that, girl opened her eyes completely, and saw him. In tears. With painted sadness on his face. Terribly deep sadness.

A very gentle smile appeared on her face. This innocent and lovely. The Father answered her with painful one. Seeing her in such a state made him shiver and felt guilty for what had happened. These people dared to hurt her and John like that. These people, even people, could not be called. Monsters. Yes, it would fit. Joseph's anger could not be described in words.

"Joseph... are you okay?" after a while, she asked him very quietly. He chuckled with tears falling from his eyes. Even, if she knew what condition she was in, she cared for her loved ones in the first place.

"Yes, sweetheart, I am fine. And you will be fine, too. I promise..." he whispered to Angelina, and pulled her closer to his chest, hiding his face in her dirty hair.

"Please, don't cry" she muttered, after she heard his sobbing. However, he just hugged her thighter, and replied "I don't"

"You're a terrible liar" Angelina stated, using her last energy to speak these words but it was worth it. Joseph's mouth, after he pulled back himself to look at her eyes, curved into a huge smile. "How's John?" the girl inquired, changing her tone from fun to serious. However, it wasn't that visible because her voice was so quiet.

"I will drive him to the hospital, when-" then he stopped his sentence because something has happened inside. Someone turned on the self-ignition. The woman speaker started counting time from 60 seconds. In the blinking red light you could see how self-confident Jacob came out of the building. Joseph was left speechless, and Angela just smiled a little bit. He scoffed, and looked back at her. "-when Jacob will take you to his home. I promise you that I will take care of John, and promise me that you will take care of yourself, too"

She gave him a delicate nod in understanding, even though she wanted to be with John at that time. Joseph gave her last smile, before he kissed her on the forehead.

When Jacob approached them, Joseph got up, and hesitantly sat behind the wheel in the car. The eldest brother helped Angelina to stand on her feet. She was weaker with every second but still in better condition than John was. Before they got in the car, Joseph already has drove away.


When they were around two kilometers away, the explosion has happened. Angelina was curious how did it look, but she was definitely too weak to turn her head. She was just sitting in the front seat, not moving because every move was waking up the pain.  It did not take long for her eyelids to fall and her fall into a deep sleep.

Jacob knew how exhausted she was, so he did not even wake her up when they were there. He took her in his arms and carried her to his bedroom. Her blood was already dry, and her face was full of bruises. Only then did he notice burns on her arm and stomach. This view was terrible. When he put her on his bed, he covered her with a white blanket and before leaving, he looked at her for the last time.

When Angelina opened her eyes she did not know what time it was or the day. At first, she thought she was at home. However, after a moment she remembered everything. She immediately got out of bed which was a huge mistake. She knew it when she landed on the ground in pain. Suddenly Jacob came after he heard the fall and layed her back, he sighed.

"I don't know if I should be happy because after two days of sleep you got up, and you are alive or pissed off because as I can see, you want to finish off yourself for good" he spoke, with a little smirk. Inside, he was so happy because she finally woke up. He even started to think that she is dead, but he was checking her breath every hour.

"Do you know anything about John?" she asked, ignoring his little speech. Angelina could not forgive myself for sleeping that amount of time. What if something has happened.

"Today I got a call from Joseph that he had his second surgery. A strong bastard is holding up well. As far as I know, he will soon regain consciousness" the man informed her, as he sat on the end of the bed with bandages and medicines. "I gave you the message, now, let me look"

Even, if she got some sleep, she was still too weak to do anything. So she lay without a move, when Jacob gently watched her whole body. She would never have expected such delicacy from his hands.

"Firstly, I will set your bones in the spine and the wrist. It will hurt like hell, but you're strong enough to withstand it" she was too late to say anything because the man already twisted her wrist, and only sound which came out of her was scream. "I warned you"

She looked at him with a heavy breath, as he was bandaging her hand. When, he finished, he touched her leg. Immediately, the girl began to beg him not to move her spine but he twisted it with one move. Angelina clutched the quilt in her hand, holding a cry inside her. The man bandaged it quickly, and move to her face.

Without warning, he adjusted her nose as well as her wrist and leg. There were tears in the eyes of the girl, but she did not say anything. She knew that Jacob was trying to help her. He applied the patch to it after he disinfected it. After a moment, he put cold compresses on her face and burns on the side of her stomach. Angelina had her eyes closed during whole process.

"Take those. They'll help you" he handed her some painkillers, and water. Without any hesitations, she swallowed them, with a cold sip of liquid. After that, the girl took a deep breath.

"Thanks, Jake. Thanks for everything" the girl admitted, with a louder voice than it was days ago and a little smile. He just stood up, and smirked. The man really liked her. He needed to admit that he never met such a cute kiddo as her.

"It is my fault" Angelina stated, as he opened the door. Jacob glared at her with curiosity. "This whole situation. It happened because of me. That night I got in the argument with John, and I ran away. Straight to the forest. They caught me, and took as a bait for you all. I'm sorry"

"It's not your fault, pup" he informed her, and left.

hi, so everything is fine!
finally tho
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you all are so awesome!! thank you for
being here, love u all 💗💗

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