the wolf

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Aizen X m reader
Soul reaper universe
Soul reaper prison guard and kisuke son
A year before the quincy ark

Aizen pov

I was going to get a new exculicve guard to watch me what an honour. They probably be like the last one a pig who chats to much and shouldn't have the privilege to stare at such a divine being as my self so I made it so he couldn't . It will probably be a week to till I kill them and then get another one . They think there safe because I'm in a chair .

I Heard the sounding someone running , so there already late to the job , and then I saw him a (h/c)nett who was (tall/small) height which (e/c) he had a small adorable smile that seemed to light up this old manky cage . " Hi sorry I'm late I had to run from world of living im (y/n)"the (h/c)nett said in an angel voice .

That was my first meeting with (y/n)

He was so unsaul he knew who I am and yet he wasn't scared of me ever . We would have conversations about anything how he was doing, if I was so may , what I did , why he wasn't guard , if he was seeing anyone which was no, thank me(god)

But it was a big surprise when I found out who is dad was urhara kisuke for someone reason I didn't care that this was the man I hated most in this universe child I still was in love with him. That another thing how I felt such attracton to the other male it made me want him .

Time skip to quincy war ark (and the prison is now under attack by Quincy )

I heard the sirens they were here finally I could escape . When (y/n) stood by my cage he had a look of worry .then it happen I heard a bang and I look to see five Quincy at where door was thay all sprint forward and attack the (h/c)nett .

Small time skip

Y/n pov

I just got shot through the stomach and I look up to see the quincy just fougth above me how at my head and ready to be fired " bye soul reaper see you in hell "he said when I closed my eyes. suddenly masses of liquid gpfell on my face when I open my eyes I see masses of blood escaping the man's throat then there was a thuk of his head falling to the ground. "You sent allowed to touch my angel for that you are to be punished" I hear the silk like voice of aizen followed by screams .

When I look to see aizen he walks over to me and hand them touches my face and I look up in to his eyes . " Are you ok my angel" he says before his lips meet mine

my bleach yaoi one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora