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Ichigo X make reader
Soul reaper universe
Your human
Orhima kindnapped ark


You were just an ordinary student at karkura high school and today washout first day of second year you had come here with your best friend,s since childhood tatsuki and ichigo , who may or may not be your secret crush . You had fallen for ichigo when you first met you loved the way orange hair was so spoken , you loved his , Honey gold brown eyes and his attitude to protect everyone .  Today was the day I was going confessto him you had worked around this in your head to many times you had everything worked out perfectly you were gonna ask him to meet you at the roof and you would conffes then .

The thing was even your friends were helping you conffes orhima and tatsuki were gonna talk to him keep him distracted and in class for you to ask rukia was gonna make sure he went to roof and Chad would stand guard to stop any interpretation. All of this was worked out perfectly until the next day you fell asleep dreaming of the plan .

When you got to school the next morning you waited in home room for ichigo and you waited he didn't turn up neither did rukia or Chad or uryu or orhima ( orhima kindnapped ark ) . You just passed it off as a flu or they just skipped .

So you waited the next day and the next and for a week you waited (aizen ark end ichigo lost powers) and finally ichigo apperd all of a sudden in home room the only difference was his usual cute scowl was gonna and a look of sadness was there to say you were worried was an understatement . "ichigo you ok you look sad " you said in a barely audible whisper , his head turns and he puts on a clearly fake smile " perfectly fine (y/n) " he says as he pays your (h/c) hair  " stop that I'm not a dog " you say swating his hand away . He laughs at you recation .

"Anyway (y/n) will you meet me on the roof later " he says with a smile "uh sure" you reply confused

Time skip

Ichigo pov

After the whole aizen saga and loosing my power's I decided that I can't take stuff for granted so I decided to confess to (y

) today because I just couldn't wait any longer and the thought of him with someone else drove me insane I had a crush on him since I met you . You were so adorable how you would pout how silly his (h/c) hair was how nice you were to anyone and everyone . I decided to confess and I asked my friend to help me get (y

) here .

I heard the door open and I look over to see the (h\c)nett that his driven me crazy enter through the roof door ."you wanted to tell me something ichi " you said I hated that nickname but I only let you call me it .
"Yeah I have been thinking about something"  I say

Y/n pov

"Yeah I have been thinking about something" he says
" wait I have too " I say this is my chance
"Oh ok do you want to say yours first " orgenett says
"No you can " I reply
" How about we both say it at the same time " ichigo says
"Yes "I reply at least if I get rejected I know what he wants to say
" Ok on the count of 3 ready " ichigo says ,I nod "3"2"1"
"Will you be my boyfriend"
"Will you marry me "  I say wait did I just say marry I think I just skipped a few steps oh bodhi look like an idiot now " I didn't know you though so a head (y

) "
"Oh god I'm so sorry ichigo don't worry you won't ever see me again " I'm intrupt great not only did i botch the bloody confession but I also lost my best friend . I turned around and was about to sprint down the stairs when i suddenly felt two arms wrap around my waist .

"You didn't let me finish (y/n) I said im happy to be your boyfriend" ichigo says . The rest is left in history but they lived happily ever after.

Author notes
Hi guys it me your favourite god of yaoi anyway this is a book of oneshots sorry there won't be any X female charters and no smut sorry leave suggestions besides that have a good day

my bleach yaoi one shotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat