The next time I knew what was going on was when I felt like someone was moving me. My body moved restrained on what I would guess was an ambulance girny. "Is this the new subject you had talked about?" A new voice. He seemed skeptical of me. His voice was empty of anything resembling emotions.

"Yes. You should look at her chart. She is far more perfect than the others. We are lucky that she was in a car accident and near death." The new doctor from the hospital. Perfect? For what? He sounded too happy to have me near death.

Slowly I was lifting up off my body. This feeling was odd. I looked at my hands. They were glowing with a light from under my skin. Was I a ghost? I twisted around and saw myself laying on an ambulance stretcher. I looked horrible! Man, totally and completely messed up!

My hair was dirty and nasty looking, not to mention a greasy rat's nest. My face was bruised and battered. Cuts and gashes were everywhere on my body. The beauty I was had turned into a lump of bumped and bruised deformed girl. I was a stranger from a horror flick. A zombie about to raise or something like that. No one could ever recognize me like this. I even had just a sheet on me, covering my naked body up. Thankfully the sheet was very solid.

I saw a line of light that flowed between of my two hearts. The bruised and battered body's heart to the glowing spiritual heart. That must be my connection to being alive. If that were to break, I would be died.

"Docs? She starting to crash." I looked at the light from my hearts. It was fading slowly. Oh heavens! I was dying. I didn't know if I wanted to or not. Did I want to die? Why did I feel like panicking then?

"Lets get her inside then and get started with the injections." The skeptical doctor informed the MT. I had to hold onto the stretcher as the MT started to wheel me into this old style hospital. No one could see me. I was a ghost after all. Looks more like a mental institute instead of a real hospital.

They wheeled my bruised body into a simple room with tiles all over the walls and floor. Looks more like a room for butchering people than saving them. They just position the stretcher in the middle of the room below the only light. I looked over to the skeptical doctor who was next to a table on the wall with the door where ten syringes filled with a strange liquid rested. It was a substance made up of swirls of red and white. The white seemed to shimmer and glow on its own. The red looked to be like strange blood, but deeper in color. More of a burgundy red too.

I looked at my heart monitor that was on the gurney. I was most likely seconds away from dying. Quickly the skeptical doctor picked up one of the ten syringes and sank it deep into my heart. He passed right through my spiritual shoulder to do so. I just misted and then came back together. The light that linked my hearts seemed to strengthen immediately and the glow from my hands did the same as he emptied the syringe into my heart. The world seemed to pound and move with my heart beat now.

I watched as he was quickly handed each syringe by the other doctor. He put the liquid into nine other points on my body. One of my temples. My neck near the jugular. The top of both of my arms. Both thighs. Both calves. Finally into my abdomen just below my belly button. He managed to keep me covered the whole time while he moved the sheet away from my body.

I could really feel my heart now. I did not have to look at the monitor, though I did hear it. My heart was gaining strength because of that serum. But I was not going back into my body. I was still floating above it becoming brighter and brighter. I watched as my bruised and battered body started to heal right before my eyes. Too quickly to be normal. The MT was started unhooking everything from my body, and moving it out of the room. Why?

With everything unhooked and away from me, everyone left the room. They left me to lay on the gurney all alone. The light dimmed after I was alone. I stared at my now healed body. Slowly the injection sights were glowing and that glow was spreading down my body. Once my whole body was glowing, I felt a snap and I was opening my eyes with a gasp. I was alive!

Angel {Goddess Class Creation: Book One}Where stories live. Discover now