"If you decide to, you could always come here and see me. Even if you just want to come and hide from the world for some time."

I sighed. "I should go."

"People to save, city to protect?"

"Yeah." I jumped from the balcony and glided over the city. I soared for an hour before I had to go home and talk to Keith. Keith would be going to work in a couple of hours, and I needed his advice.

I got to the apartment and Keith was automatically squealing. He dragged me to the TV and showed me what the cameras caught which made me blush. I saw how the world saw me with Darien in my arms. The way our eyes met and we stared at each other as I slowed our descent.

"Heavens! No wonder Mik asked me about it." I flopped stomach first onto the back of the couch. I covered my face with a pillow. How terribly embarrassing.

"What was it like to be with the man so gorgeous the gods weep in shamein your arms?"

I sighed and uncovered my face. "It felt natural talking to him. Oh yeah! The reason I came back." I pushed up still leaning against the back of the couch. "He is going to throw a charity fashion show in my honor and would like me to participate as Angel Kat. Should I?"

"ARE. YOU. KIDDING? You should do it." Keith came and knelt before me on the couch and took my shoulders. "Tall, dark, and handsome asks you to a charity event, you should always say YES!" He came around and grabbed my wrist towing me out the balcony doors. "Now go and accept." He pointed planting his feet solidly on the ground.

I shyly left the apartment and took my time going back to Price Tower. I flew high in the city. When I reached Darien's office balcony, no one was there. I sighed and sat on his railing just looking out at the city. He had such a remarkable view. So breath taking. So peaceful. I stretched out my arms and wings.

"What a beautiful sight."

I slipped from the railing at Darien's voice. I pushed against the side of the building and flew back up to Darien's balcony. He looked sorry for shocking me. "Its alright, I was just lost in my own thoughts."

"I wasn't expecting to see you so soon."

"I'm sorry to just show up and sit on your balcony railing."

"Like I said, you are welcome here anytime." He tilted his head to the side. "Was there a reason you are here, or did you just wanted to see the view?"

"I actually came to see you. I thought it over and I will participate in the fashion show, but you must understand that something could happen to prevent me from attending."

"I understand completely. Superman had those types of problems." I chuckled at the comicbook reference. "Oh, a comicbook fan."

I shrugged. "I had to research how to be a superhero, though most of the time I just followed my own heart. Let my instincts guide me." I blushed realizing that I just talked about myself with someone who was like a stranger to me.

"Oh my. Is Angel Kat blushing? Strong, beautiful, and shy in long conversations."

I was actually thankful when I heard sirens below. "I have to go."

"Will you come back tomorrow. I could have the information about the charity ready for you by say two o'clock."

"Then I will try to see you then." I smiled before leaping off his balcony the second time that day. I saw him smile too. I felt giddy and as if a wieght had been lifted off my shoulders. The fire that the sirens were responding to didn't phase me at all. In fact, I did not hesitate to save those that were trapped in the building. I felt so freed that even Keith noticed a difference in me.

The following day was quiet. Like the universe was saying 'meet him!' At one I decided to wait on his balcony again for him. This time I wasn't on the railing and I kept my ears open. My stomach growled making me remember that I never ate lunch. There was nothing I could do now, it was almost two.

I turned away from the view when I heard the door to his office open. Darien Price in all his well tailored, groomed glory came walking in. He smiled seeing me out on his balcony, then turned to a red-headed woman to tell her something. She bowed her head and went over to his desk.

He opened up the balcony doors and stood to the side. "Won't you come in?" I accepted his offer and entered his office. "I am happy to see you're early. No troubles today?"

"Happy to say no. The city is pleasantly silent which meant I could come and wait while looking again at your view." He offered me a seat on one of his leather couches while the red-head handed him a folder then left the room. He placed the folder down on the table in front of the couch and sat on the opposite side of the couch from me.

"Well we have the basics of the event decided on. We will be announcing the charity tonight and advertizing for participants then and all week. The charity will be in one month giving us time to get participants' applications, choose the lucky ten, and give them two weeks to come up with the designs and create them. Each particiant will create two pieces. One formal and one casual. What do you think so far?"

"What is the theme?" I don't know why I was so curious. Was I going to enter?

Darien smiled and leaned back on the couch. "I thought that would be obvious. The title of the fashion show is 'Angels Among Us' becasue you are the inspiration. I was also thinking that doctors, police officiers, firefighters, and charity vollunteers could be the models for the fashion show." I smiled thinking of how much they have thought about every detail of the event.

"Will the designers have to pay out of pocket for their outfits?"

"Of course not. I will be giving each deigner one thousand dollars on visa cards so they can purchase any suppies they need for the fashion show. Any left over after the show will be theirs to keep, though we won't tell them that till they try to turn them in."

"Your sneaky in the kind, caring way." I flushed when my stomach growled loudly. "Forgive me. I must have forgotten about lunch." I started to rise to leave, but Darien touched my arm. His touch tingled my skin and made me cross my ankles when I sat back down.

"Please don't go. I will have something brought up." He rose and walked over to his desk. He told someone named Karan to bring me something to eat.

He sat back down on the couch. "You didn't have to do that."

"Yes I do. You are hungry and need to eat. Also this way we can continue to talk." He seemed like he didn't want to let me go for some reason. To tell you the truth, I didn't want to go.

The afternoon went on and we discussed all sorts of things about the charity fashion show while I ate the club sandwich on delicious dark honey wheat bread. The taste was amazing. When I finished the sandwich, I was full. When I saw it was five o'clock, I sighed knowing I had some sewing I needed to get started on back home.

"Thank you so much for all that you are doing. I really should let you and I get back to work."

"You were the rest of my day. I'm glad that I got to keep you this long. Oh by the way, here is a copy of the charity's application. You must know someone who is a designer to suggest it." He placed the folder his assistant gave to him earlier into a satchel purse and handed it to me. "I figured you would need something to carry it in. And you don't need to return the purse, its yours."

"I'm starting to think your doing too much for me." I place the satchel's strap over my head and the opposite arm.

"There could never be too much to do for my hero." I laughed and blushed as I stepped out and onto the balcony. "Fly safe my angel." My heart beated quickly at his words, but I shifted my attention to flying through the city.

These past two days have been feeling so surreal when I was around him. Starting with that article that just caught my ear yesterday morning, and going on to the meeting I just left. My skin is still tingling from when he touched my arm. Yesterday I decided to start writing everything that had happened to me into a journal. Everything that has happened to me since my accident nearly two years ago that changed my old life forever. Now I have a new life. One where Darien Price just came into it.

Angel {Goddess Class Creation: Book One}Where stories live. Discover now