
"Mrs Brown, Mr Hadid! It's a pleasure to make businesses with you!" Said Nicki.
"Mrs Minaj... If you are still here we would like you to take someone. He broke into our system. It looks like he was searching for someone named Pe-" Said Mr Hadid.
"We want you to take him and Mrs Clairfayr will know exactly what to do with him" Said Mrs Brown.
"But were not here for that Mr Hadid..." Said Nicki.
"Yes...We know that, Mrs Brown we'll take you to the immune people and you can-"
"Get who we want, yes we know that. It's just an experiment" Said Zara
"Actually agent Slay Z, this experiment, as you name it, it's more important than you think. And now that we've got one of the people that Mrs Clairfayr was searching for your job is easier. I would like to get you to take this men to your car and lock him there, until you see Ava. No, not you Zara, I want Red velvet to go with him, Madeline..." said Mr Hadid.
Mads grabbed Harry, he was unconscious and was in a big black carpet...
"How am I supposed to carry him? And why is he in a carpet?" Asked Madeline.
"You will take Mrs Cabello with you and that's none of you're business... And well Mrs Grande, Larsson and Minaj, shall we go?"
"Sure" Said Zara.
"Wait! Girls are you really letting me here with this strange man?"
"You're not alone Mads,you have Camila!" Said Zara before she could leave.
"BUT SHe is... at the buffet... since is 12 PM the Swedish buffet starts now and ends at... 2:30 PM... I know Camila more than you do... Now dear let's get you to the car" Said Madeline.
When Madeline finally arrived to the car the 'carpet' started to move... And talk, more like scream.
"Taylor... You mean Taylor Swift?" Asked Madeline.
"Uhmm well I didn't expect such a beauty to kidnap me" Smiled Harry, but before he could say anything Madeline gave him a punch.
"Yes, such a beauty I am" Said Madeline.
"And brutal! You broke my lip! Now it's bleeding!" Screamed HarryZ
"And what do you want me to do dearly? Kiss it?" Said Madeline as she rolled her eyes.
"...No you could at least help me get up"
"Sorry, I've got someone to get from the Swedish buffet, before I'll lose her....Crap it's already 2:30 PM" Said Madeline looking at the clock.
"And here I'm going to stay?Locked in the car?"
"It's a better idea than it sound like" Smiled Madeline.

"Miss! Lady! Please! Take me with you I'M SCARED PLEASE! DON'T! UNLOCK THE CAR! RED HEAD!"
"Sorry... Charming, but I'll unlock you when i will get my friend from the Swedish buffet." Smiled Madeline as she played with the car keys in her hand.
"Than I will handle myself.." Whispered Harry
"Actually you can't" Said Madeline.
"How did you hear that?"
Madeline smiled "You will probably figure that out soon. Just satay in the car for your safety! Or you will regret it"
"What will happen to me if I escape?" Said Harry with a smirk.
"You've called me red with a reason" Smiled Madeline as she disappeared


"They got Harry! Come on Rita! Before the catch us! Come" Said Taylor.
"I don't want to lose Perrie!" Cried Rita. "And Harry is our friend! He sacrificed himself for us!"
"Rita let's go! We will find something! I promise" Said Taylor.
"What happened with you Taylor?" said Rita with tears in her eyes as she disappeared.
Taylor and Rita went to an old friend after they lost Harry. They got in front of a house. It was a yellow house, in a friendly neighborhood. Rita knocked the door. None answered, than Taylor knocked too.
"Maybe she doesn't want to see us anymore" Said Rita. "Let's go Tay"
"How many times have I told you Ora! Do not speak in my name!" Said a blonde woman.
"Bebe I'm so so sorry! We shouldn't-"
"I got it Taylor. I got that you're sorry since I decided to quit." Said Bebe.
Rita and Taylor got in Bebe's house, where they told her every single detail since they lost Perrie at the cafe.
"YOU DID WHAT?!" asked Bebe angry. Her hair was now up and her eyes turned white.
"You should calm down, Bebe" Said Rita.
"Does anyone lives here? With you?" Asked Taylor.
"Um... Kinda..." Said Bebe.
"What do you mean by 'kinda' Bebe?" Asked Taylor suspiciously.
"Bebe we are home!"
Taylor gave Bebe a 'I'm done with you later' look as she jumped up from the sofa to see who just entered in the house.
Bebe bited her lip as she looked at Taylor's reaction.


"Perrie? Perrie wake up"
"What- You! Because of your stupid girlfriend im- why aren't we in-"
"Long story. Perrie you need to listen carefully. Marcus located Taylor and Rita, they are in a neighborhood. You will make just 30 minutes from here with a car."
"But my leg... Zayn no... Please tell me you didn't. And where are we?"
"We're in the woods if you didn't realize that. Marcus is going to take you to Taylor, okay?" Said Zayn.
"Why should I trust him?" Asked Perrie.
"Because I do"
"Why should I trust you" Asked Perrie suspicious.
"Edwards this is not a good moment to interrogate me! Marcus will be there in 10 minutes! You need to get in that car!"
"Thank you!" Said Perrie as she hugged Zayn tight.


"Where should I put charming?" Asked Madeline as she rolled her eyes.
"Stop being savage Mads! Put him in the prison with the others" Said Nicki.
When Madeline was close to the prison everyone started to scream and shut.
"Can I try to kill you?" Asked Harry.
"No, plus you've got handcuffs" Smiled Madeline.
"Why are they screaming?" Asked Harry.
"Mrs Clairfayr is not the most nice doctor. She is doing this tests since years."
"How did you got here?" Asked Harry.
"Well the prisoner's answered to your question" Said Madeline with a swift smile.
"So you're name is Madeline and you're an... Animal? How comes that?"
"I'm not going to answer to that question charming" Said Madeline annoyed.
"It's actually Harry, but I can get used to charming"
"Do not flirt with me" Screamed Madeline.
"Calm down! I -"
"Here's your... prison cell, charming" Said Madeline as she threw Harry in the cell.
"Your eyes... Are yellow" Said Harry as he pointed at Madeline's eyes.
Madeline looked at the mirror on the floor. It reflected a wolf.
"I'm so sorry. I can't let you here. They are going to kill you!" Said Madeline panicked.
"Are you okay?" Asked Harry.
"DIE ANIMAL! DIE" said one of the prisoner's.
"I can't let you here! Come on!" Said Madeline.
"I can't let you die!! Now move your ass!"
"Okay, okay, fine" Said Harry.
"MRS CLAIRFAYR WILL FIND OUT ABOUT YOU!!!" shuted one of the prisoners.
"What are you?" Asked Harry as he and Madeline were making their way back. " You know your eyes are still yellow and glowing, right?"
Madeline closed the prison door and took a deep breath. "I'm a werewolf" Said Madeline with a swift smile.

Hey I hope you liked this chapter and you're weekend is going amazing so far
If you have time my friend published a story called 'Perfect life' and she clearly needs to be more  recognized.
Here's her profile: amm1304
Also thank you for almost 100 readers on this story and THANK U, NEXT IS MY FAVORITE ALBUM ARIANA GRANDE HAVE EVER RELEASED!
See you next Friday!
Stay safe and love you

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