On October 3rd

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After lunch Kenny met up with Charley out in the front of the school. he you wanna come over to my house later?" asked Charley. "sure text me your ad..." started Kenny. SKKRRTT, pulled up was Casey and the other ken dolls. "Get in bitch were going shoping," said Casey. "I guess i should go with them but rain check tommorow I promise." said Kenny getting the car.  as they pulled off they walked inside the mall. "okay kenny honey me and the girls totally love you already and when we love someone we not only point out fixable flows we fix them" said Casey. "wait I thought I looked stunning" said Kenny. "you do but we can do better, let us be beyonce and upgrade you sis" said Nick. "totes" said Tanner. "well i guess who am i to argue with you all" said Kenny. "now we still hold the tradition on wearing pink and non sweats outfit" said Nick. "but you still must be snatched everyday, every period between 3 and 4 we meet in the bathroom to fix our faces and talk about our day so far, we also have our own section in the boys locker room were they can't see our perfect twink bodies" said Casey. "great, don't have to were make up beside some foundation and lite contouring." said Kenny. "no of course just don't have any face imperfections and were good your eyes need to be bold though" said tanner. after getting loads of clothes they went all went to Casey's house. "okay when we get inside try not to show your annoyed with my dad he trys to hard" said Casey. as we walked in the huge mansion i saw a modern style it was so beautiful. "hey guys welcome to my house oh casey who's the new friend?" asked casey's dad. "this is kenny dad don't worry about it" said Casey. "alright well just know their are no rules in this house but two, if your going to drink do it in here and sleep over and what ever happens in here stays in here" said Casey's dad. "thanks mr. paul" said Kenny. "oh just call me dad cause you are all my kids" said Casey's dad. as they moved on the casey's room it was all blue and pink his bed had silk sheets and a curtain around it. "his carpet was shagg and looked like cotten candy. okay so lets get some music going on and lets fix you right up." said Casey. as kenny sat in the chair he put a lite amount of make up on and his eyes were bolded. after trying on many outfits he found the one he was going to were tommorow. "alright we want to introduce you to the shad book of 2020" said Casey. a pink book with magezines cut outs on the cover. "oh my god remeber freshmen year when tracy wavy went into a glory hole" said Casey. "yeah she totally has a dick" said Tanner. "it's like we stan a trans but if your going to be a boy be a boy if not then get it cut off" said Nick. "what if she doesn't have money for the surgery?" asked Kenny. "of course she has the money she's the daughter of davey wavey" said Casey. "anyways look at this it's Charley Dolan, he's suck a fucking flop" said Nick. "wait what did he do?" asked Kenny. "well last year he was plastic and my best friend until he slept with his step brother daren my at the time was my boyfriend" said Casey. "oh i'm sorry to her that" said Kenny. "well it happens he calls me sometimes to tell me he did do it" said Casey. "he totally wants Casey back" said tanner. as kenny slept over the next morning was going to great. 

As the plastics walked in the school and down the halls on a wednsday Kenny wore a pink timberlands with blue jean shorts and pink longsleeve crop sweatshirt with his hair dyed blond. "hey Kenny" said some boys. "oh my god they totally like you Ken" said Casey. in math class second period Kenny got a tap on his back. "hey Kenny i want to invite you to my halloween party on Halloween i was wondering if you wanted to go" asked Daren Dolan. "sure you can expect me there" said Kenny. Soon at lunch casey sat with the plastics and told them about the Halloween party. "oh he has one every year" said Tanner. "oh so what are we going as?" asked Kenny. "we're going to be sexy animals but not just any animals theirs going to be a drawing, Casey's is coming with the box now" said Nick. "hey whores i got the box stick your hands in" said Casey. "I got cat" said Casey. "I got mouse" said nick. "i got god" said Tanner. "oh T its backward" said kenny. "oh i got dog" said Tanner. "and I got bunny" said Kenny. "gasp" went all three of the Ken dolls. "what is it?" asked Kenny. "well it's just that everytime we get bunny it doesn't get pulled off as a bunny but a playboy bunny" said Casey. "I can do it I love a challenge," said Kenny. "alright but I'll have a back up ready for you," said Tanner. "thanks but I won't need it" said Kenny.

Mean Boys 2: New Ken Dolls are in the SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now