Chapter One: A Long Time Ago

Start from the beginning

All she could do was nod again. "Lee, watch after him, okay? I know he wants everyone to believe that he's okay but we both know him too well to believe that." She requested.

"You don't even have to ask, Grams." He smiled in assurance.

She tip-toed to kiss him gently on his lips and enveloped him again in a tight embrace. "I'm gonna miss you," she whispered. "I'm gonna miss you so much."

It took all her strength to let him go but she knew she had to. And as soon as she watched Liam rejoin his entourage, she scanned each face hoping to see the man she loved for the last time, but he was no longer there.


"Look at you!" She smiled up at him after he released her. "You're so grown up and..." her voice trailed off as she studied him. He was no longer that skinny, lanky boy that said goodbye to her at the airport five years ago. In front of her was this handsome and ... she was trying her best not to think sexy as he might as well be her baby brother, but yes, there wasn't any way around it - sexy (ewwww!), Adonis. "TALL! Damn you're tall!"

His eyes sparkled as he gave a light laugh. "You don't look bad yourself Grams." It was his turn to study her, instantly recognizing the changes in her. Liam saw maturity, simplicity and grace. "And at the risk of sounding like a hormonal twenty-three year old, can I just say that, damn you're HOT! Look at you in a dress!" In all the time he had known her, he had never seen her in a dress. Well maybe once or twice but NEVER looking like what she looks now. She looked so feminine, so beautiful.

She shook her head as she smiled. "I cleaned up good, huh?" She was blushing.

Liam nodded. "I like your short hair, very cool," he reached out to brush a wisp of hair away from her eyes.

They were interrupted by someone clearing his throat. "Liam."

They turned to find a man resembling Hulk minus the green stuff walking towards them. "I think you've managed to attract enough people that might keep us here for hours." The man's Goliath voice matches his Hulk-like figure and presence.

Nicole looked up at Liam questioningly.

"Grams, this is Mike, my bodyguard. Mike, this is Nick, an old friend," Liam paused long enough to smile that made Nicole sigh.

"Hi," Mike the Hulk smiled, offering his hand.

Nicole smiled back, taking in the warmth of the giant's smile as she took and shook his hand. "You have a bodyguard?" She turned to ask her younger friend.

Liam shrugged. "Just when we go out on our own and stuff," he tried to explain.

"For some strange reason, women, girls and those who swing the other way? Yeah, young and old, they want him ... them ... and I don't get it!" Mike teased with a frown as he shook his head.

"Shut up, Mike!" Liam snapped.

But Nicole laughed because she gets it. This boy ... man has stolen her heart long before any of the women and girls and those who swing the other way have laid their eyes on him.

"I don't know if you knew but we did it, Grams! We made it."

Of course she knew. Not on purpose at first since she wanted to forget and was able to for the first two years when they were in Germany, where their record label sent them to test the waters with their music as the music industry at home wasn't ready for them just yet. But apparently as soon as their songs became popular not just in Germany but all over Europe, the US has gotten a whiff of their talent they were asked to come back home and instantly got a top ten hit on the Billboard Charts. Finally, they got the recognition they wanted and deserved that it was pretty much hard not to know what was going on with Glory Box even in Argentina.

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