"Please go and hurry." It made you surprised on how he changed his mood very quickly.

You quickly glanced over to see his grateful smile, although it was pretty small. Your heart gradually began beating a little faster, but it was for a few seconds.

He failed to hold in a sneeze, and managed to create a small explosion. You shrieked, and found his dad's shelf for action figures were now in pieces.

"What the heck was that?"

You stood there in shock, this was something you've never seen before. Heck, in all of the years you knew Saiki, this was definitely something new.

"Come on, (Y/N)! You standing there won't make any difference to my health!"

"I'm on it!"


"Can you be any slower?" He complained. You were at his doorway, slowly but cautiously walking over to his bed to give him his meal. You helped him lay down on his bed minutes ago, but it was a struggle because his bedroom floor was covered with a lot of useless things scattered all over the floor.

It used to be fun seeing Saiki's mom nagging him to clean his room every time you came over, but you can tell it didn't take any effect to him whatsoever. Or maybe it was dirty today because he decided to leave it like this.

"Yes I can, your stuff is everywhere," You said. "When was the last time you cleaned your room?" You asked while placing his food on his bedside table.

"You can't trust me to remember anything right now." He blinked slowly, taking off his glasses and turning to the opposite side. Even though he was beyond tired, he was still careful not to paralyze you.

"I'm going to fill your pantry with the snacks I brought, call me if you need me."
"Thanks, (Y/N)." His voice gently faded with each syllable.

"Going to eat later?"

His voice was slowly getting softer, and in about a second he fell asleep. You sighed, gently ruffling his hair, avoiding his hairclips. You admired the sleeping boy in front of you, his chest slowly rising and falling, synchronizing with your breathing pattern.

"Get some good rest, Saiki." You patted his head one more time before turning your heel and started to walk out of the dimmed room.

A certain action stopped you from doing so. Your wrist was being tightly gripped by the psychic.

"On second thought, please rest with me." His drowsiness completely engulfing him with slurred speech. His eyes were still shut tight, afraid of opening his eyes.

"Oh Kusuo," You said, gently trying to pry his hand away from your wrist. "You're going to make me sick."

"No," He only yanked your wrist gently. "I'm lonely."

Relying on his sense of touch, he found his glasses and placed them on, only to give you a gentle smile that matched his eyes' expression.

"You're the biggest idiot I know, but being around you makes me feel happier in a way."

Your heart started pumping rapidly, you could hear it. He's just tired, right? This action made you start to fall for him even more than you should, and you couldn't help but say,

"Is that your way of saying that you love me?"

A few seconds of silence went by.

"Are you really that stupid?" He retorted with an annoyed expression.

"I'm just checking, you'll never know if I actually return your feelings—"

Not even a second's hesitation, he pulled you into his arms and embraced you tightly. Your panicked reaction got his attention, so he slacked his embrace. Your head was now resting lightly on his shoulder, and he held your head in a loving way, as if you were one of his fragile possessions.

"You know, you have been quite obvious with your actions." He smirked slightly. "You can't hide it from me, (Y/N)."

Your cheeks became very warm with Saiki's statement. It was true, you kept on showing interest in him for the longest time in attempts to not say anything about on what you feel about him, and it all comes down to this. What can you do now? You can't lie to him, he'll just push you to tell the truth. You were sweating profusely, planning your next move and trying to avoid the current situation.

You could feel his heart beating with yours, and figured out it was no use. You breathed in his scent, the aroma of coffee clouded your nose. You hugged his torso and said,

"I guess you were being an idiot too because you were unsure if I had feelings for you. And naturally, I do like you."

He pulled back to give you another smile and planted a kiss on your forehead. You felt like jelly, and you just couldn't resist his touch.

"I'm extremely grateful that you're with me, (Y/N)."


You were a coughing and sneezing mess the next morning. Walking to school was painfully discomforting enough with your new sickness.

You found the psychic smugly leaning against the locker beside yours, and you glared at him while you were switching your shoes.

"How was your sleep, (Y/N/N)?"

You sneezed, but quickly adding a small comeback.

"Better than ever, since you weren't there to sleep next to me."

"Do you want me to?"

"Shut up!"


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