"You don't think I know that?" she cried.  "That's why I don't want him to know!"

"Hey hey..." I said in a whisper, pulling her toward me.  She buried her head in my chest and began to sob.

Sierra's POV:

Katelyn and I left Harry with Kaylyn and headed to work.   It took a couple hours, but we got everything set up for the 3 radio interviews, meet n greet, and sound check for the boys later in the afternoon.  We were glad that we had fallen into a groove and were able to work faster than we did at the other venue.

When we returned to the hotel and to the 5th floor, we found Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Louis in the hallway, kicking a soccer ball up and down the hallway.

"Hey beautiful," Niall ran up to Katelyn and pecked a kiss on her lips. Katelyn smiled and looped an arm around his neck, kissing him back.

"Get a room," I said with a giggle.

"Where's Kaylyn?" Zayn asked.

"She's probably sleeping," Katelyn replied.

"Is she okay?"

I gently smiled at him and reached my hand out to his shoulder.  "She's fine, honey.  Just a stomach bug,"

Zayn nodded.  "She hasn't answered my texts,"

I'm glad that Katelyn noticed that I didn't know what to say and piped in quickly.  "Paul had a doctor sent over very early this morning and he gave her a steroid injection, he said it would make her super tired,"

"Okay," he nodded with an annoyed sigh.  "This blows,"

"Oh suck it up," Niall rolled his eyes.  "She'll be better in no time, mate,"

"What the hell happened last night?" Louis changed the subject. 

Katelyn shrugged. "I was out, remember?"

Louis' gaze turned to me and he widened his eyes in an effort to get me speak up.  But, I shrugged and used the same reply Katelyn did.  After all...it was half true.  I was out.

Coincedentally, as soon as the words left my mouth I heard a room door down the hall open and shut. A smile formed on my lips when I found Olly and a few of the people from his management team come out of his room.

"Oooohhh..." Liam said in a teasing voice, when I turned back to shoot him a glare he made a face and immediatly apologized.  "So sorry, that was rude of me, again, sorry,"

Olly and his team approached quickly, he smiled at me and moved to peck a quick kiss on my cheek.  "I'd love to stay and chat with you, gorgeous, but I gotta rush off to sound check,"

I smiled back at him and nodded.  "I'm sure we can catch up later,"

"Olly and Sierra sitting in a tree-" Louis' started singing, but I swiftly swung my elbow back and hit him in the chest.  "Shit," he groaned.

Olly chuckled and turned around with a wave before disappearing into the elevator.

"That was rude!" Louis said, rubbing his hand across his chest.  "Very very rude!"


"What's going on there?" Niall asked with a smirk.

"Nothing," I blushed.

"They went on a date last night," Zayn replied, kicking the soccer ball down the hall once more.

"Ooooohhh," Niall chuckled, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

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