Needless to say, he'd been relieved when the stubborn child had finally left what seemed like hours later. This left him to get around the building to what he was truly looking for. Behind the building, his outfit was already there waiting for him. Ratchet, Wire, Sourdough, Sour Cream, and Dot to name a few were gathered already. In front of them lay exactly what he'd been so eager to find. He just hoped that his warlock pet was correct about what this really was.

"Boss! It's good to see you're finally here!" Ratchet called cheerfully when he spotted him. The big tom had been talking to Sourdough just moments before, his head tilted leaving his Circle mark on his neck on full display.

Unlike most other runes that blended into the skin of the nephilim, the circle rune stood out regardless of where it was placed on the body or what the color of the cat's fur was. Ratchet, Sourdough, Sour Cream, and Wire are all newly made nephilim. Frostfang had gotten his most elite soldiers to drink from the Moss right away after the skirmish with Goldenpaw and Clary. He was pleased that they took to being Angel blooded with ease, not a single one of them dying during their Ascension (aka transition to becoming a nephilim).

Frostfang dipped his head in agreement. "It is good to see you all as well." He turned his cold gaze on the warlock.

Dot was under the spell of one of his injections, her usually vivid green eyes glazed over and hollowed out. She was staring blankly at nearby weed sprouting out of a crack in the pavement. Everything about the once vibrant she-cat was vacant now; she was an empty shell of her former self. As all remaining Downworlders will be when I'm done exterminating their race of freaks.

"Warlock, is the pathway ready?" He asked it. Dot's vacant gaze rested on him, expressionless as she had been since the injections started. He had recently renewed her dosage yesterday morning. He'd done more so than usual, meaning that she'd be out of it for more then the usual three day time period. Completely pliant to my will, he thought with sadistic glee.

When Dot didn't respond right away, Wire shoved her forward knocking her off balance, the gray she-cat's claws unsheathed. "Go on pet, answer your master." She jeered.

Dot didn't show any signs of pain from the blood dripping from her hindquarters. She moved mechanically, facing herself towards Frostfang. It had taken her longer then normal to steady herself, but the leader just put that down to the warlock's weak willed body, not the drugs in her system that kept her from fighting back.

"Yes master. This pathway coincides perfectly with the hidden ley line junction underneath this building. Like the Walk of Bones, this will lead you directly to the Silent Forest." She told him. Beyond her and the rest of the group laid a massive whole in the ground, it's surface sparkling with purple magic. No light seemed to fall into this tunnel, but if he had to guess, it was deep. A tunnel going several miles away had to be so.

Frostfang was very pleased by this, a dark smile alighting his face. "Wonderful. Soon my brothers and sisters, we will go to the Silent Forest and take back what is rightfully ours." He yowled out. His followers cheered around him, their excited murmurs filling up the night sky.

******Featherflight's POV******

Having been a healer for many moons, it was nights like these that made him feel anxious. No, it wasn't that there was something bad afoot in HunterClan camp. Everything was peaceful in the forest. The warriors had healed up from their injuries, relaxing outside in the Clearing. The were chatting amicably, enjoying the night breeze.

The late night patrols were almost all back in camp, the last one coming in now. Dapplefur was leading the patrol. Now that her kits were almost of apprentice age, she'd returned to warrior duties. The tortoiseshell she-cat was more than happy to be on the patrol list, saying it had been to long since she'd felt the wind in her fur. Behind her were the new Parabatai Arrowheart and Goldenclaw along with Honeybee.

Book 2: City of Ice and Fire (a warriors cats and shadowhunters crossover)Where stories live. Discover now