الحب السيئ

Start from the beginning

I was definitely prepared for the worst being that it was my dad who shot him for no reason.

He turned around looking in my direction smiling until he seen Kentrell.

"Who you?" He asked as Kentrell went to go sit in one of the hospital chairs.

"Wasgood witchu slime I'm Kentrell." He greeted.

I shook my head at his improper language like who taught his ass how to speak.

Taymor nodded. "Ok but why are you here?" He asked scrunching up his face.


"I'll actually explain." I cut Kentrell off because I just knew his ass would say something uncalled for.

"Taymor, this is my um friend that my dad set me with." I beat around the bush trying to refrain from calling him my boyfriend.

"So he's your boyfriend?" He asked.

(I don't know why but I just got really bad deja-vu.)

I nodded. "Actually no, not exactly." I tried to explain myself but it wasn't working.

"That's why you came here, so I can met your nigga." I shook my head.

"No Tay I came here to see you."

He hissed. "After almost a month you come to see how I'm doing while bringing another nigga here like everything was going to be peachy."

"Taymor do you really think that's what I did."

He looked at me in disbelief laughing. "Maybe I'm stupid but that looks like exactly what the fuck your ass did Nicky the fuck."

Tears started finding their way to the brim of my eye lids threatening to fall.

Which clearly Kentrell saw being He then started trying to defend me. "Yo chill out wit all dat nigga. He couldn't get out of the fucking house so he brought me so that he could see yo ungrateful ass."

Taymor rolled his eyes. "Nigga I wasn't fucking talking to your ass."

Kentrell just laughed it off. "Yea yo ass bets chill da fuck out fo I finish his pops job."

This is why his ass should of stayed outside the room.

I gasped. "Kentrell..." was all I could process to say.

The room went silent and you could hear Taymor chuckled.

"Yeah I ain't got time for this shit you got that one, Nicky I need you to stay the fuck away from me nigga."

And with that he dismissed me.


He looked at me he brown skin visibly a shade of red. "Nicholas if you don't want your ass beat right now I suggest you fucking get out of my face."

I nodded tears rolling down my face while walking out the meeting Kentrell.

Immediately going into full blown ugly cry mode.

"Shit you still got me lil baby."


All this shit we've been through went to nothing in a snap of a finger.

So I changed my mind about changing chapter sixteen because right after I said that I had and idea and here it is please don't be made at me.

Had to be done.

You really might be mad at me next chapter. 🤡

But I love y'all

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