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August POV

I laid on my bed waiting from a call from the police chief, for him to say that they had found her. The news had been covering the story for the past few hours and reporters swarming my front door. Images of Tory's seemingly lifeless body flashed through my head over and over again. I couldn't wrap my head around today at all, it wasn't even over yet. Suddenly my phone rang, I answered it quickly. 

"Hello?" I said frantically.

"August, they found her, she's being held hostage by Devon in a warehouse off the highway in San Jose.", said, Robyn, I hopped off of the bed and ran downstairs to my car.

Tory POV

My eyes sprung open the moment I felt the water come in contact with my face, my body was drenched. I looked around frantically to see Devon standing in front of me with an empty bucket, still dripping around the edges. I was bound to a chair unable to move, the rope was tight around my body, burning the skin it touched as I struggled. Tears flooded to my eyes and quickly fell, a sob left my mouth with such a power I didn't even recognize my own voice as I pleaded.

"Please! Please, Devon! Please, Don't kill me!" I screamed as the snot dribbled from my nose. 

"I told you that if I can't have you no one can, you pathetic bitch!" He spits those words with such a rage I felt as if no amount of pleading could stop him. I could hear police sirens outside and grow louder. It was poorly lit and hot as hell in the little warehouse, the water I was splashed with a few minutes ago did not offer any coolness. Oh lord, please get me through this, I just want to live in your light with August. I am not ready Lord, not like this, please.

As I prayed Devon paced back and forth scratching his head with the pistol, he seemed in deep thought, stealing glances at me every 5 seconds. I continued to sob and pray in my head, scared that if I pray out loud he will shoot me. Images of Anthony and Robyn swirled in my head causing me to sob harder, I was crying so hard now I could barely breathe.

"Oh shut up with the crying!" He screamed, I hiccuped and stopped my sobs short, they still came out silently.

"Devon please, I love you, I'm sorry!" I cried. As I finished my sentence a megaphone sounded.

"This is detective Langham speaking Mr.Benedict, maybe we could talk and come to some sort of agreement", I looked out the window beside me and saw the police officer talking with Anthony standing right next to him. Seeing Anthony gave me the strength to pull myself together.

"Look, Devon, what's your plan here,  it doesn't have to be this way.", I said quietly, still hiccuping from crying so hard.

"Oh but it does Tory, I've given you 2 years of my life. That's two years of money, that's two years of  time, that's two years of being supportive, that's two years of taking care of you!" He screamed. Anger started to boil in my mind, who was he to complain?

"You were the one that threatened me to be with you! You said you were gonna kill my mom!" I gritted through my teeth, pain shooting through my temple. I gave him an ugly look as I remembered the sucker punch he hit me with.

"That was only to get you away from that faggot, August." He said with disgust, my anger pushed even higher.

"August has nothing to do with it, I told you he was just a friend!" I yelled, images of that night with me and Anthony flashed in my head. Tears came to my eyes again. The megaphone sounded once more.

"Mr. Benedict, if you do not turn over the young lady we will be forced to shoot." said the detective, Devon rolled his eyes, cracked the door and yelled out.

"Shoot! Then we can both die!" said Devon. I struggled some more while I panicked, it was to no avail though. I started crying again, thinking about all of the mistakes in my life.

"Oh Devon untie me please", I sobbed as the last plea, I was coming to terms with the thought of death. Devon looked at me with a crazy eye and raised the gun, I shut my eyes waiting for him to pull the trigger.

"Bitc-", I heard a loud gunshot and slowly opened my eyes to see Devon on the floor with half of his head missing. He looked like Kennedy right after the assassination. I screamed at the top of my lungs in horror. The steel door burst open and SWAT filed in with ar-15's in hand, I started hyperventilating as the full gravity of the situation hit me. I purposely didn't look down at Devon again as his blood pooled, almost reaching my feet. A SWAT team officer slashed the ropes with a bowie knife, I stretched my arms and rolled my wrist as he went to work on the ropes on my legs.

After being untied, the officers escorted me out the building. My eyes instantly found Anthony, I broke away and ran towards him. I slammed myself into him, wishing I could be apart of him, his smell engulfed my senses which instantly calmed me. The tears flowed down my cheeks once more, he arms wrapped tightly around me.

"T, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me, I tried to catch him." August chocked out through my hair.

We stood there in an embrace as the police scrambled in and out of the building. I heard Robyn screaming my name from a distance, I let go of Anthony, looking for my best friend. I found her pushing her way through a wall of police, cursing them out as they tried to hold her back. I sprinted to her and pushed through them into her arms. I looked over her shoulder to see Chris looking down at his feet, refusing to meet my eyes. 

"Oh look at my gal, you're alive", She cried, "I thought I lost you Sweet Tea!" We both stood there and cried into each other's arms. Behind us, someone cleared their throat.

"Excuse me, miss. I'm sorry to interrupt the reunion but I'm gonna have to take you down to the station for a couple of questions, then we are gonna have to take you to the hospital to get you checked out.", said the officer. I nodded and felt Anthony's arm snake around my waist. I told Robyn I'd see her at the hospital and I followed Anthony to the car. Once we got into the car, I pulled him into a kiss, he deepened it, pushing his tongue into my mouth. He pulled away and ran his fingers over the red marks that were left by the rope but he didn't say anything as he started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

"Are you okay?", He asked looking into my eyes. I wanted to say yes but I couldn't lie to him, I didn't need to.

"No, but I'll be fine, I'm just glad that everything is over," I said hoarsely, my throat sore from the past hour of screaming and crying. He nodded and continued to drive, It was silently all the way to the police station.

 We spent the night there and at the hospital answering questions and getting a full work up done. It was 4 am before we actually got home. Anthony and I went upstairs together,  he crashed on the bed while I went and took a shower to wash today's horrors away from my body and mind.

 I stepped out and borrowed a pair of Ant's boxers and a T-shirt. I crawled into bed and after a while, I felt him get up and heard the water start. I was half asleep when he laid down beside me and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer to him. We both fell asleep easily in each other's arms.

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