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August POV

I pulled in my driveway and made sure my eyes weren't still red, I look like shit and I need a damn shower. I ran my fingers over the purple bags under my eyes. I sighed, turned off the car and got out. The door opened before I could even get to it and out came Naomii with Nini, I smiled at Nini and took her into my arms, virtually ignoring Naomii's open arms. I made my way to the kitchen to get some juice with Naomii close on my heels.

"so where you been baby?", she said finally breaking the silence. I didn't say anything for a good minute, tending to Nini as an excuse for more time to decide if I want t tell the truth or not.

"I was at the hospital....looking after Tory.", Her face started to turn up into a nasty scowl, I internally groaned at the words that were about to come out this bitch mouth.

"And why the fuck did you feel compelled to do that shit?!", she yelled, I walked away with Nini and called from behind me

"You not about to be cussing and yelling around our daughter, you got me bent as hell", I said quietly.

I went into the living room and put her in her Playpen with her juice that I had gotten for her out the kitchen. I went upstairs with Naomii close behind me, I rolled my eyes and stopped.

"Why the are you following me? Why you so mad right now? Out of all days at that. This the shit I'm talking about, this the shit I get sick of.", I said with my back facing her. She puffed and walked back downstairs and after a few minutes, I heard the door close as I started my shower. It felt like a tension in me released as I stepped into the shower. Tory's face circled around my mind while I took my shower. I sighed as I mgot out and got dressed. I went downstairs and looked around it seemed Naomii took Niyah with her again. I'm going to have to file custody against that bitch cause I'm not the one for this back and forth ghetto ass drama. Bitch was just supposed to be a nut. I know she the mother of my child but I can't take her anymore.

Tory POV

Robin came in the room about 20 minutes after Anthony left, tears running down her face as she came in the door.

"Oh Tory!! I swear to god I'll have him killed by my cousins from Barbados, you can stay with me as long as you like. You don't have to worry about that nigga for the rest of your life, he is going to jail for a long time if I got to put him in there myself-", after that she started talking so fast I could barely understand her. She kissed me on my face and forehead as she rambled, scared to hug my body. I tried to sit up and adjust but I was stopped cold by a sharp burning pain in my side, I grunted out loud causing Robyn even more distress. She just didn't know how to handle it and she let me know.

"I don't know how to help you, Tory, all this is so much, so what happened?", she took the seat where August was just sitting in about an hour ago and grabbed my left hand. I took a deep breath and tried to remember what happened.

"So it happened right after I left your house, I was going to break up with him. So we sat down a I told him and he said I'm not leaving him or something and he told me to give him a hug and-", I trailed off remembering the burning cold steel of the blade piercing my skin. Tears brimmed my eyes and Robyn gasped quietly and wiped them away.

"It's okay baby, What happened after he did it?", she said sympathetically.

"I broke his nose with the end of my palm, pushed him away and ran to my car. After that all I know is that I passed out on August's front porch cause I had lost so much blood, it was just everywhere.", Robyn nodded, agreeing with me.

"Yea they said you needed like 4 blood transfusions and you went through about 5 pints in surgery, you could have died Tory...", Robyn trailed off at the end, her voice breaking.

"I just d-", my sentence was cut off as the doctor walked in with two nurses.

"Good morning Miss Banks, how are you feeling? You left us for quite a while.", said the cheerful doctor as he scribbled on his clipboard.

"I'm feeling really woozy and confused", I said unsurely.

"Well that is expected after what has happened to you..", she said quietly as she checked my vitals and from the corner of my eye, I could see two police officers come in quietly. Oh shit. I would have to press charges.

"So everything seems stable and you seem conscious and alert", she said as she shone her flashlight in my eye," follow my finger please, Miss Banks."

I followed her finger left, right, up, and down before she clicked off the flashlight and pulled up one of the green chairs by my bed.

"So these officers need some information from you since this was a stabbing and technically attempted murder," the more she talked the faster my heart beat, I felt Robyn's fingers slide between mine, "Now this is Officer Pentwater and this is his partner Officer Roblader.."

August POV

I left the house and made my way to the studio, I just had to get some of this stress off my heart and the only way I knew how to do it was through music. Tory's voice and the sight of her unconscious swirled in my head as I listened to the beat. All those years of me and her together, the heartbreak and the love. I can't just forget about her again, she's the love of my life and in my heart I know I'm not exaggerating.

After I recorded my song, I stepped out the booth and listened to it with my long-time engineer, Papoosy. My heart was aching and Papoosy knew my deepest thoughts.

"Man I don't know what I'm gonna do. Tory was almost killed by the very man I was trying to protect her from and my baby mama is threating to take my daughter because I'm showing so much emotion towards Tory. I can't help my self Poose, I never stopped loving Tory." I vented to him as he edited the song.

"I know youngin, I'm sorry I ever introduced you to that girl but I did expect you to pull out, I warned you it was good", Papoosy chuckled. I rolled my eyes and laughed along with him.

"I'm serious though August, you need to follow your heart. If that means leaving Naomii then so be it but you got to be happy for your own sake," stated Papoosy firmly. I sighed knowing that he was right, just like he always is. I dapped him up and thanked him before leaving the studio to go to the hospital.

As I drove to the hospital I couldn't get my outburst from earlier to stop replaying in my head, her face contorted with pain. A tear threatened to slip down my cheek before I furiously wiped my eyes. Suddenly my phone went off, I looked at my dash to see who it was and Robyn's name flashed across the screen. I answered wearily.

"Hello?", I squeaked

"And who the hell do you think you are yellin' at my gal like that?! I understand you are just as hurt as I am but that does not give you the right you-you...!", Robyn quietly yelled at me, I could hear doctors and monitors speaking in the background.

"I know, I know," I stated, cutting her off before she could find the word she was looking for.

"You better be on your way, asshole." With that, she hung up and I started pushing 90 on the freeway.

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