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  Tory  POV

My mind drifted in the darkness, how could this be happening to me? I am dead? I don't feel the cold chill that describes death. I can see my hands, they faintly glow. I see a light ahead shining much brighter. I don't want go to the light but there's no where else to go. The warmth draws me to it, against my protest. I'll never see August again. The tears rolled down my cheeks. I close my eyes, this is my end.

-3 days later-

I feel a hand wrap around mine, pulling me out of the light...the darkness? I don't know the difference anymore. A faint whisper buzzes around me but I can't tell what it's saying, the grip on my hand gets tighter sending a jolt through my body. My eyes fly open and there's Anthony, right in front of me, tears running down his face. He looks like he hasn't slept in days.

"Oh Tory!!", He buries his head into my lap, which is covered by blankets. The smell of disinfectant permeates the air. Am I in a hospital? Of course I am, I can hear multiple monitors beeping quietly but I can hear my heart monitor racing loudly.  Anthony must have brought me here. I wiggle my toes and my fingers. I can't believe i'm alive, it's all thanks to him. I try to speak as he cries into my lap but nothing comes out, my throat is so dry. I stroke my fingers against his hair, it's gotten so long since the last time I've seen him.

"Tory, I thought you were dead...", he whispered against my thigh. Well shit....so did I. Suddenly a phone rang across the room, both our heads snapped in the direction of the sound. I groaned at the stiffness that had set into my neck. He rose slowly off his knees and went to answer it. I feel so heavy, my eyes feel so heavy. I fade back into sleep against my will.

August POV

I picked up the phone to see Naomii calling, I sighed heavily and glanced back to T to see her unconscious again, I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes, all the pain she put me through when she left has resurfaced...I wrote a song about this girl, she tore me apart but here I am by her side. I sighed and answered the phone reluctantly.
"Yo wha-" I started before namoii started screaming
"August what the hell do you think your doing!! I have been trying to get in contact with you for days! I miss you, I'm sorry for what I said." She stated loudly.
"Stop fucking yelling, bring my daughter back and maybe we can work something out...I'm sorry, I love you", I said with no emotion.
"Okay August I love you too just come home so I can show you how much I miss you", I rolled my eyes
"This bitch in love with the dick not me" I whispered to myself.
"What you say bae?"
"Nothing I'll see you tonight, later." I hung up the phone quickly and ran my hands over my face. I was exaughsted but how am I supposed to explain that I've spent the last 4 days in the hospital with someone. She's gonna want to know the story with her nosy ass. I turned back around to see Tory staring at me with wide eyes.
She looked like she was gonna start hyperventilate until she finally rasped
"You hav-e a daugh-ter?"
Oh fuck, the words I was looking for eluded me completely as I stared at her piercing eyes, brimming with tears?

"Yea um...she's about to turn 2.." I managed after a good 30 seconds.
"Who's the mo-ther..", I hesitated to tell her.
"Um Naomii Myers", he face contorted with disbelief, I scowled at her, anger rising in my throat along with the tears.
"What the fuck was I supposed to do T, you fucking left me, if you would have given me the time I could have helped you but you left me, I...", I stopped myself.

"she was there and you weren't and you already know how I get down when I'm upset, I fuck girls and try to forget about it. Well I fucked this one and the condom broke so shit be mad at me just know I've been here for the past 4 days crying over your ass so fix yo face.", she stared at me appalled at my outburst.

"Ant, I'm sorry, I was in a jam. I couldn't wait two weeks, I would have been dead", she whispered, I rolled my eyes and gestured my hands towards her.

"well look at you now living your best life with a 7 inch wide and 6-inch deep laceration right below your lung, If he would have stabbed you a half an inch higher your whole lung would have collapsed and you would be dead right now." I scowled at her as she looked at me speechless. Why did she have to come back, it took me 3 years to get over this girl and now just looking at her my heart leaps. 

"I'm sorry", she whispered. I wanted to go over there and kiss her but she broke my heart I can't just give in to her, I got shit to do anyway

"I called Robyn, she should be here soon, I got to go.", I forced myself to gather my stuff and leave out of the room, I could hear her calling my name as I closed the door behind me.

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