Chapter Twenty-five

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-Michael's point of view-

I watched as Luke struggled to get himself out of his bed, especially at this early hour in the morning, and tiredly get dressed.

"Okay, give me your phone." I said, reaching my arm out to take it.

"I'm not giving you my phone," Luke said, helplessly hiding the object in his hands.

"If you want today to work, give me your phone." I said exhaustedly. The blonde finally gave in and handed me his phone, which I then shoved in his drawer. It wasn't surprising when Luke's face showed pure confusion, but I ignored it.

I then pulled out my own phone and send an important Tweet, making sure the boy next to me wouldn't see. "How come you get your phone and I don't?" Luke questioned, standing in the doorway of his bedroom now fully dressed.

"That's for me to know and you to find out. Now follow me." I grabbed Luke's hand and squeezed it, then slowly opened his bedroom door. We peered out into the small hall of the hotel room, then tiptoed towards the exit. No one could know we were gone.

It wasn't long before the two of us were stood outside the hotel gates waiting for a taxi to arrive at six in the morning. It was cold, unsurprisingly, so Luke moved closer to me to get warm. I smiled, hoping his trust for me was finally growing back. Now I could only silently cross my fingers in hope that my idea would work.


The ride in the taxi was only short due to our hotel practically being in the centre of London. After paying the still large bill of the taxi, I grabbed Luke's hand and dragged him towards the park. It was empty, due to the early hour, so we chose the best spot under a tree.

"Michael, you're never romantic. What the hell are we doing here?" Luke finally spoke, cuddled up to my chest since he was still cold.

"I want to apologise."

"You already have." Luke rolled his eyes.

"No, about everything." I inhaled a deep breath, ready to speak. Luke's right hand intertwined with my left, urging me to speak. "Okay, ever since our relationship started I've basically treated you like shit."

Luke nodded, "go on."

"I cheated on you, to make it worse with our best friends, and at first you kind of liked it. You liking me that way pushed me further, until I went so far I kind of forgot you have feelings too." Luke suddenly stiffened. "It was wrong of me, and seeing you cry yesterday-"

"I never cried infront of you." Luke corrected.

"Stop interrupting me. Your eyes were puffy it was so obvious," it was my turn to roll my eyes. "Anyway, it broke my heart. It's always been you, Luke. Of course Calum and Ashton mean a lot to me, but you've always been that little bit more special."

Luke blushed, trying to stop himself from smiling. I smiled to myself, realising how easy it was to make that boy happy. "Please just tell me what you're thinking, Michael."


Luke looked puzzled. "Why-"

I cut Luke off by bringing my lips to his. They were soft as always, making me crave more. It was seconds before Luke finally kissed me back. He was gentle, and the kiss was slow, but nonetheless special. Luke was happy - happy to continue kissing the guy who betrayed him.

I pulled away and finally looked into his eyes. "I'm sorry, Luke. I let my hormones get the best of me and and I'm sorry. I can't promise not to hurt you again, but I promise I'll work harder on our relationship."

Luke hesitated. "You're a dick for cheating on me, Michael." I bowed my head in shame, "and as they say, once a cheater always a cheater."

"Okay," I said.

"I'll forgive you, but promise me one thing."

"Anything, Luke." I squeezed his hand tighter, hoping I didn't come off too desperate.

"Promise me you'll still keep up your badboy persona. Without cheating."

Hoping it was okay to, I laughed. "Of course. I'll steal as many tea bags as I can."

"I forgive you, Michael. I'm still pissed, but I want our relationship to work." Luke grinned up towards me. I smiled back, thanking my lucky stars. Luke shifted himself closer towards me so we could kiss, to which I obliged.

The plan didn't continue until later that evening, so we sat together in the park cuddling in a comfortable silence for as long as possible.


Silently wishing some fans in that evening's audience had read my Tweet, I spent the band's performance trying to hide my anxiousness. The last song was Amnesia: a perfect fitting song for some of the circumstances I had been through over the past few weeks.

If everyone could forget I cheated and went to prison for an evening, life would be a lot easier.

Calum began to say goodbye to the fans, before I stopped him. "Cal, wait. There's one more thing before we go."

Calum nodded, giving me a knowing look. He had probably seen my Tweet. It was Luke who looked confused, obviously expecting to be off stage at that time. "Go ahead."

I took one step forward still on stage, making a few fans scream as I got closer to them. "I've made some stupid decisions in the past, we all have, but there's three in my life I'll never forget. Meeting these guys," I spoke as I pointed towards my band. "I'm one to make a lot of stupid decisions, so it's understandable that they probably all hate my guts right now. But, I love these boys."

I finally stepped back, looking into the audience. If I looked towards my band members, I was afraid I'd lose my confidence to speak so I avoided them. "How cute, Michael." I heard Ashton scoff from behind me.

I looked back towards Ashton and smiled innocently, however not waiting for a reaction and quickly turned towards Luke. "But, you, Luke. You accepted my apology today, and I couldn't be more thankful because this means I have a second chance. And this time I don't want to fuck things up," I moved closer to a still confused Luke. "I love you."

The audience infront of us must have found this action cute, since they made satisfied sighs. "Michael, what are you doing?" Luke asked, mixed emotions still evident on his face.

"Finishing telling you what I was thinking," I grabbed my microphone then spoke as loud as I could. "I love Luke Hemmings!"

And, just as I hoped, the audience responded. Nearly everyone in that night's crowd shouted: "I love Luke Hemmings!" I watched as Luke smiled, overwhelmed by all this sudden love.

"I love you Luke, and I'm sorry I hid it for so long." I spoke as Luke smiled, speechless.

And then I did something unexpected; some decisions change things forever, and though this decision did just that, I knew I wouldn't regret it. I kissed Luke infront of our audience. And Luke kissed his cheater back.

Torn In Three | Malum, Muke, MashtonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora