Chapter 5 (Remake)

Start from the beginning

But, it seems I was the only one that came, along with my sister and mom, but still. I could never get tired of seeing this guy.

Mom would always say to go home before he finished surfing. This time it was different.

The guy finished surfing and came to land, as he unwrapped the leash around his ankle to the board and took a deep breath. "Ahh that wave hit me hard."

Then, he noticed me staring and he looked at me questioningly. Then, the next moment he smiled as he looked like he remembered something.

He walked towards me as he left his surfboard and went to my level, kneeling down to have the same eye range.

"You're the little girl who always watches me surf, right?" He asked me with a smile as I only nodded, amazed that he was talking to me.

"Well, thank you for watching me."

I smiled at him. "Do you wish to surf?"

"Yes!" I responded quickly as he just chuckled. He turned around to his surfboard then got up to go get it.

The next thing I knew, he handed me the surfboard he always used to surf and I looked at it amazed, that he was giving me one of his most treasured belonging.

"I-I don't think I should take this."

"I'll be moving soon and I don't have any space to fit that in. There's no use in selling it, if I see a young soul wanting to learn something. Maybe you're a really good surfer," he smiled.

"T-Thank you!"


He got up and was about to walk away, before I just grab the hem of his shorts. He looked at me questionably.

"Y-You're amazing when you surf! I wish to be like you one day! You're an inspiration to me!" I said right to him as his eyebrows just went up in surprised, than just looked at my mom.

"I'm not famous or anything?" He asked her.

"My daughter always asks me to go to the beach every single day just so she can see you surf," my mom chuckled.

He only smiled and ruffled my head a little, then got up. "Well, it was nice meeting you. If you do get famous, remember me, the 18 year old guy who handed that surfboard to you," he just chuckled and gave a small wave of goodbye.

"Wait! What's your name?" I asked him immediately.


I smiled at the memory as I continued to paddle.

You know, I wonder if it would've been smart if I could've asked for his phone number or something. I just wish I could meet him again, he was nice.

Famous huh? That's never going to happen, I just live a boring life.

Can I even surf anymore?..

I sighed and just continued paddling.

Then, I saw a wave coming. I smiled and moved opposite form the wave, as I slowly paddled. As the wave was coming closer and closer, I slowly got up as I realized it was a huge one.

It didn't stop me from going back and instead, I got up and I smiled as I was surfing!

Aaron, Aphmau and Katelyn were cheering me on and I felt proud of myself.

Next moment I know,

I felt my leash come undone from my leg and I gasped, as I quickly tried to put it back on my leg. Except, it didn't go as planned.

"AH!" I lost my balance and I fell into the water, as I tried to swim up as quickly as I could, trying to see where my surfboard was. But the wave was only making me stay underwater as I desperately tried to come up.

My vision slowly got blurry and I didn't have the strength to swim back up anymore.

"AH!" I turned my head quickly and saw Y/N falling underwater. My eyes widened and my heart dropped as I saw no Life Guard around. What the hell?!

"Aaron! Let's go!" Katelyn yelled as she ran to the ocean and quickly started to swim.

"Yeah!" I yelled back as I followed after her, seeing the wave turn smaller.

I saw her surfboard floating around and that was a sign she was beneath here.

I put one hand on the surfboard and I took a deep breath one more time before diving in underwater and searching for her.

My vision was quite blurry but I saw a figure down below, as I quickly started to swim.

Why did she go this far?

When I reached her, I quickly grabbed her and started to go up, as I was in need of air desperately.

When I finally reached the surface, I gasped for air and was coughing, as I handed Y/N to Katelyn.

I took a deep breath and I took her surfboard with me to the surface.

"Is she alright?!" Aph yelled worried as soon as we reached the surface.

Katelyn just put Y/N down as I quickly started to push on her stomach, with both my hands.

Katelyn was panicking and was worrying, as she was hoping she would wake up.

Then, Y/N was coughing up water and I smiled, thankful she was breathing again.

She sat up slowly as she saw the three of us surrounded us.

"Huh?" Is all she said as she looked puzzled.

"When you were surfing, you fell of your surfboard," I just said simply as her eyes widened and she remembered. She looked a little embarrassed but only groaned.

"If it wasn't for.. Aaron, then I guess you would still be stuck in the bottom of the ocean," Katelyn said simply.

She looked at me and gave me a smile. "Thanks Aaron."

I blushed a little and just smiled back. "Don't mention it."

We got up and packed the umbrella and towel, as      Y/N  got her surfboard back and looked uneasy at it.

"What's wrong?" I asked her

"Well, there was this surfboard I had before and I have no clue where I put it. I want to return this one, I feel like the other one would be better.." She sighed.

"Well, maybe your sister has it?" I said hopefully.

Her face just brightened and she smiled at me. "Yeah! You're genius, Aaron! She might have it. If she does, I'll return this surfboard."

When I turned around for Katelyn and Aph, they weren't there and I guess just left us by ourselves.

It was getting late.

I handed Y/N a towel which she took and wrapped it around herself.

"Oh an Aaron."


"Thanks again."

Met In Paradise (Aaron x Reader) Remake in Process!Where stories live. Discover now