[20] Prank week ~ Day 3

Start from the beginning

I hung up and sighed deeply. Alexander fucking Hamilton, I will not hesitate to kill once I get outta this hell. I looked around, hoping to find a small open spot where I can stand.

Nope, that son of a bitch made sure to give me a rough time. I scanned my room when all of the sudden a lightbulb went off in my head. The distance between my balcony and my bed, wasn't that big. If I could find a way to open the door without pushing over any cups, I could jump onto the balcony from my bed. From my balcony I could jump in the pool and kill Alexander. Of course my pajamas would be soaked, but at least I get to kill Alex.


I heard someone yell from outside. That someone being Peggy. It was obvious now, Alexander did this. How tho? Eliza is sleeping in the same room as Peggy. He would never do that.

Then I saw my phone screen light up

Skype: Freddy_Jupiter added you to 'Mission kill-the-Hamstickman'
Skype: Freddy_Jupiter added Fuck_Off_Janet

(I was gonna name Peggy And_Peggy, but in almost every Hamilton Wattpad story that's her name, and I just wanted to be original)

I smirked and opened Skype

Freddy_Jupiter: Okay, Y/N, I told Peggy everything. She knows that they shouldn't find out that they were teaming up and that, after this, we're back in our war state
Captain_Popsicle: Okay great
Fuck_Off_Janet: Y/N, Why are you called Captain_Popsicle?
Captain_Popsicle: It's a nickname for someone from a movie I really like. His real name is Steve Rogers, but he got frozen for a while, and his hero name is Captain America. So, one thing lead to another
Freddy_Jupiter: Okay, enough chit-chat. Let's find a way to kill Alex. I will add Angelica too, she told me she wanted to join too
Captain_Popsicle: Is Eliza joining too?
Fuck_Off_Janet: I don't know. She isn't here
Fuck_Off_Janet: Wait......she helped him, didn't she?
Captain_Popsicle: That little 'not-so-sweet-anymore' cinnamon bun

Freddie_Jupiter added Bi_Feminist

Bi_Feminist: So we came up with a plan yet?
Captain_Popsicle: I was thinking of ripping his eyes out and pull his organs out of his eyeholes
Fuck_Off_Janet: ......
Freddy_Jupiter: ......
Bi_Feminist: ........
Captain_Popsicle: Too graphic?
Freddie_Jupiter: And dark
Fuck_Off_Janet: I have an idea

Fuck_Off_Janet send a video

Captain_Popsicle: How about you guys make that thing, then I'll get him upstairs. Oh, and make sure to film everything

I smirked and closed your phone. I noticed a broom laying next to my nightstand. I extended your arm and grabbed it. It touched my finger tips and almost fell over. I handled quickly and grabbed the broom before it could touch the ground and knock over the cups.

I then stood on my  bed and used your broom to open the door. When it finally opened, you threw the broom on my balcony and prepared to jump. I counted to three and jumped over the cups, landing on the balcony, on my feet perfectly. I sighed happily and looked down. I could see Eliza and Alex talking.

I smirked and jumped down without hesitating. I landed in the water three seconds later. When I came above water, I noticed Alex looking at me with wide eyes. When he realized it was me, he quickly ran inside


I yelled as I jumped out of the water and ran inside. I noticed Herc sitting on the couch.

I narrowed my eyes at him as he looked at me

"I know you were in on this conspiracy and I will have my revenge. I just have to kill Alex first, but I will be back."

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